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Paradise Adventist Academy Tech Lab Presenter Computer
2 discussion posts
I'm attempting to set up a shared PC running Windows 11 so that the same desktop wallpaper profile will load, regardless of which user signs in.

I've tried working with the guide at, but the desktop background is loading solid black for accounts besides mine (which is the one where I created the wallpaper profile I want to apply to all users and the account where I followed the process linked above).

Any help would be appreciated!
Feb 8, 2024  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
When you login with one of the other users accounts and open the Desktop Wallpaper Window, does applying the profile manually work?
Feb 9, 2024  • #2
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Paradise Adventist Academy Tech Lab Presenter Computer
2 discussion posts
That does work.

But my goal is this: I'm using Google Credential Provider for Windows so that my users can log in to the device with their Google Workspace credentials provided by my school. When a user logs in with their Google Workspace credentials for the first time on this particular device, GCPW creates a new Windows local user profile for that user. I'd like those newly-created user profiles to load the custom wallpaper profile.

Is that possible?
Feb 13, 2024  • #3
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Yep it should be possible. Does the backup you have loaded include a trigger that loads the wallpaper profile on boot? It would use the "DisplayFusion Starts" event, and then you can add the "Load Wallpaper Profile:" action
Feb 14, 2024  • #4
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