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Omnius' profile on
I would like to be able to identify certain applications as only being allowed to open windows on certain desktops. I use multiple desktops to separate work "types". For example, I run Teams all day and I always put Teams on desktop 3 (monitor 2), and I put all remote desktop windows on desktop 4. However, for whatever reason, sometimes teams jumps to a different desktop (and sometimes to a different monitor on desktop 3), I have no idea why and can't seem to guess when this will happen. If it jumps to desktop 4, it's under a remote desktop full-screen window and it can be hard to even find it again. Citrix usually opens dialogs on the desktop its on, but sometimes a remote desktop window will "restore" to a normal window and when that happens it often jumps to a different desktop (this may happen when it loses connection temporarily and I'm not on that desktop).

I want to be able to say, windows from executable [path to x.exe] can only be on desktop Y (either by name or number). I would want this to be inherited, for example, if I have Citrix locked to desktop Y, then when it opens a remote dialog or window, it would inherit that lock status, so the parentage of a process needs to be checked for locking as well as the process itself. It should check when any window opens or changes state (restore, maximize, etc.), walk up the chain to see if any owning process has a locking rule, then apply that rule.

Is there any way to do that with DF as-is? There are so many features, maybe I missed something.

If not, please add this as a feature request.

Thanks DF!
Mar 12, 2024  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
I've added this to our feature request list. We don't guarantee that feature requests will be implemented, or offer timelines on possible implementation. We'll be sure to let you know if we do add it to our planned features in a future version.

Mar 12, 2024  • #2
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