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Jef Waite
13 discussion posts
I'd prefer not to have to disable my other monitors, or grab additional software to make this work.

Any thoughts on why it doesn't work with this game in particular?
Jul 1, 2014  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Some games don't allow hotkeys to be run in-game. If you run the Lock Cursor Function before starting the game, does it work?
Jul 2, 2014  • #2
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Jef Waite
13 discussion posts
If I lock it to the current monitor, then yes that does work.

I tried to set a function under Window Location to lock mouse to focused application with the exe for that and that doesn't work either.

So, I'll just have to remember to lock the mouse to the monitor. Thanks for the assist.
Jul 2, 2014  • #3
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