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Grant J
8 discussion posts
When I first load up DF everything is smooth. Eventually it starts to act up as described in the title; haven't sorted out if it's just a time thing or if it has anything to do with opening/closing programs (e.g. games) or what.

There's a noticeable delay between mousing over items on the second monitor taskbars (DF style taskbars) and their highlighting or popping up previews. This includes both program icons and the persistent taskbar icons (e.g. DisplayFusion's icon). My computer sometimes hangs up and is unresponsive while this is occurring.

I'm running DF 10.0 and don't recall noticing this before updating from version 9 (it may have been an issue, but I had an unrelated issue with my computer and just finished doing a clean install of Windows right around the time I did the DF10 upgrade). I have this issue with both the stable and the latest beta releases.

I did a little bit of log snooping and noticed FAIL logs like the following when this issue is showing up. These are easily reproducible by mousing over said icons, and these do not appear to show up when DF is behaving. I believe the first such example below is the most relevant because I will get literally hundreds of these in the debug logs, and the codes themselves seem pretty in line with the issues I'm seeing. A log is attached to this post as well.


2023/04/20 15:46:06.6751##_##FAIL:L1##_##displayfusion.exe:3240##_##BFNativeWindowBase.WndProc:WndProc:325##_##-##_##Name: DFTaskbarButtonPreviewWin7, ID: b32e778e-b6d9-4740-b966-c11f7c1a1bb9, BFReentrantProtection: BFNativeWindowBase:ProtectWMPaint, , [System.Exception]##_##-
2023/04/20 15:46:25.1221##_##FAIL:L1##_##displayfusion.exe:3240##_##BFSafeLock:Lock:73##_##-##_##Lock: LockTaskbarManagerData, Calling Thread: 'TaskbarManager-15' [TaskbarButton:DrawLayeredWindowChild], Locked Thread: 'HookManagerWaitForEvents-20' [TrayIconProcessMessage_AddOrModify], Failed to call TryEnter., , [System.Exception]##_##-
2023/04/20 15:46:25.1222##_##FAIL:L1##_##displayfusion.exe:3240##_##TaskbarManagerData:AccessData:96##_##-##_##BFSafeLock:Lock Failed: LockTaskbarManagerData, Calling Thread: 'TaskbarManager-15' [TaskbarButton:DrawLayeredWindowChild], Locked Thread: 'HookManagerWaitForEvents-20' [TrayIconProcessMessage_AddOrModify], , Failed to call TryEnter., , [System.Exception], [System.Exception]##_##-
2023/04/20 15:46:25.1222##_##FAIL:L1##_##displayfusion.exe:3240##_##TaskbarButton.Draw:DrawLayeredWindowChildWorker:486##_##-##_##DataAccess is NULL. [TaskbarButton:DrawLayeredWindowChild], , [System.Exception]##_##-

Edit to add: One other behavior I've noticed (also associated with lag spikes in my computer's performance) is that sometimes the second monitor taskbar icons seem to do a bit of a "remove and refresh" dance even if I am not interacting with the taskbar.
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusion2.log [4,995,377 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: [433,664 bytes]
Apr 20, 2023 (modified Apr 20, 2023)  • #1
User Image
39 discussion posts
When I first load up DF everything is smooth. Eventually it starts to act up as described in the title; haven't sorted out if it's just a time thing or if it has anything to do with opening/closing programs (e.g. games) or what.

There's a noticeable delay between mousing over items on the second monitor taskbars (DF style taskbars) and their highlighting or popping up previews. This includes both program icons and the persistent taskbar icons (e.g. DisplayFusion's icon). My computer sometimes hangs up and is unresponsive while this is occurring.

I'm running DF 10.0 and don't recall noticing this before updating from version 9 (it may have been an issue, but I had an unrelated issue with my computer and just finished doing a clean install of Windows right around the time I did the DF10 upgrade). I have this issue with both the stable and the latest beta releases.

I did a little bit of log snooping and noticed FAIL logs like the following when this issue is showing up. These are easily reproducible by mousing over said icons, and these do not appear to show up when DF is behaving. I believe the first such example below is the most relevant because I will get literally hundreds of these in the debug logs, and the codes themselves seem pretty in line with the issues I'm seeing. A log is attached to this post as well.


2023/04/20 15:46:06.6751##_##FAIL:L1##_##displayfusion.exe:3240##_##BFNativeWindowBase.WndProc:WndProc:325##_##-##_##Name: DFTaskbarButtonPreviewWin7, ID: b32e778e-b6d9-4740-b966-c11f7c1a1bb9, BFReentrantProtection: BFNativeWindowBase:ProtectWMPaint, , [System.Exception]##_##-
2023/04/20 15:46:25.1221##_##FAIL:L1##_##displayfusion.exe:3240##_##BFSafeLock:Lock:73##_##-##_##Lock: LockTaskbarManagerData, Calling Thread: 'TaskbarManager-15' [TaskbarButton:DrawLayeredWindowChild], Locked Thread: 'HookManagerWaitForEvents-20' [TrayIconProcessMessage_AddOrModify], Failed to call TryEnter., , [System.Exception]##_##-
2023/04/20 15:46:25.1222##_##FAIL:L1##_##displayfusion.exe:3240##_##TaskbarManagerData:AccessData:96##_##-##_##BFSafeLock:Lock Failed: LockTaskbarManagerData, Calling Thread: 'TaskbarManager-15' [TaskbarButton:DrawLayeredWindowChild], Locked Thread: 'HookManagerWaitForEvents-20' [TrayIconProcessMessage_AddOrModify], , Failed to call TryEnter., , [System.Exception], [System.Exception]##_##-
2023/04/20 15:46:25.1222##_##FAIL:L1##_##displayfusion.exe:3240##_##TaskbarButton.Draw:DrawLayeredWindowChildWorker:486##_##-##_##DataAccess is NULL. [TaskbarButton:DrawLayeredWindowChild], , [System.Exception]##_##-

Edit to add: One other behavior I've noticed (also associated with lag spikes in my computer's performance) is that sometimes the second monitor taskbar icons seem to do a bit of a "remove and refresh" dance even if I am not interacting with the taskbar.

I, too, started experiencing performance issues after upgrading to DF 10. Since I also upgraded Windows 10 with the latest cumulative update around the same time, I wasn't sure if DF was the culprit.

I uninstalled the Windows update and left my pc on overnight as usual but noticed the same problem the next morning. However, if I shutdown DF before going to bed, and start it back up the next day, everything seems to work fine, even after reinstalling the Windows update.

I am running Windows 10 Pro, Version 22H2, build 19045.2846, with Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.4190.0.

DF Debug info file attached.
• Attachment [protected]: [261,997 bytes]
Apr 21, 2023  • #2
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Could you roll back to 9.9 and let me know if the issue persists? You can grab the download link here:

@GrantJ Could you see if those log lines continue to appear in 9.9 as well?
Apr 21, 2023  • #3
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Grant J
8 discussion posts
Could you roll back to 9.9 and let me know if the issue persists? You can grab the download link here:

@GrantJ Could you see if those log lines continue to appear in 9.9 as well?

I will give it a try when next I use that computer. Will likely be a couple of days.
Apr 22, 2023  • #4
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Grant J
8 discussion posts
Could you roll back to 9.9 and let me know if the issue persists? You can grab the download link here:

@GrantJ Could you see if those log lines continue to appear in 9.9 as well?

I do still see these errors (and some about sticky corners) showing up in the log files, but far less frequently/reproducibly and, most importantly, so far (running 9.9 for a couple of days) the performance issues have not resurfaced. I have not run the entire gamut of behaviors I use the computer for, but with the version I was running before I wasn't getting through even an hour before issues cropped up.
Apr 26, 2023  • #5
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
We've released a new beta with some changes that might help here, can you try it out and let me know if the issue persists?
May 3, 2023  • #6
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Grant J
8 discussion posts
We've released a new beta with some changes that might help here, can you try it out and let me know if the issue persists?

Installed Beta 3 today. Will let you know if I run into issues. Thank you!
May 11, 2023  • #7
User Image
Grant J
8 discussion posts
We've released a new beta with some changes that might help here, can you try it out and let me know if the issue persists?

The issue persists in this version.

Want to point out that I'm not certain the error I pointed to is the key, it was just an observation.
May 11, 2023  • #8
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Could you send me over a debug log from beta 3? Here are the steps:

  • On the DisplayFusion Settings > Troubleshooting tab, change the Logging drop-down to "L1: Log Minimal" and click Apply
  • Reproduce the issue and note the time so we'll know where to check in the log file
  • Click the "Export Info to File" button on the Settings > Troubleshooting tab
  • Reply with the file attached
  • Disable debug logging after sending the log
May 12, 2023  • #9
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