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Cody Thurber
10 discussion posts

I was wondering, is there any way to make the 'underscore'/highlighted line next to an app on the taskbar (if that app is opened) larger? I uploaded a pic for reference - I have all three apps open. The way it is makes it hard for me to see if an app is opened (plus I have OCD xD). I don't want to change the color, just make the color bolder/thicker.

Second question, is there any way to darken the actual highlight behind the app when the app is selected (picture 2 - "problem2")?

Thank you for your help, and I absolutely love DF! :D So happy I finally made the time to purchase a license and mess with all the settings, haha.
• Attachment: Problem1_AppUnderscore.png [16,962 bytes]
• Attachment: Problem2_AppHighlight.png [6,321 bytes]
Aug 17, 2021  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
There isn't a way to tweak those, but I've added a feature request to our list for advanced settings to tweak them.

Aug 24, 2021  • #2
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Douglas Lassance
3 discussion posts
I find the "open program" underline indicator very hard to read.
• Attachment [protected]: 2023-04-27-23-37-38.png [23,070 bytes]
Apr 27, 2023 (modified Apr 27, 2023)  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@Douglas: It's strange that yours are touching the icons themselves, they should definitely be a few pixels below the icon. Could you right-click your DisplayFusion taskbar, go to Multi-Monitor Taskbar > Size > Custom and tell me what the value is?
Apr 28, 2023  • #4
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Douglas Lassance
3 discussion posts
Right Click > Multi-Monitor Taskbar > Size is set to automatic which seems to be custom a custom size of 38. Looking further into it, it seems like a conflict with StartAllBack that allows to set the taskbar smaller than the default Windows 11 settings.
May 1, 2023  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ah yep, I can reproduce that here now as well. We've added it to our list to fix up for a future version.

May 1, 2023  • #6
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Douglas Lassance
3 discussion posts
Nice! Thanks.
May 1, 2023  • #7
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