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Keith Sykes
6 discussion posts
Hi. Just purchased DF and I can't get something to work.

I have a program that I'd like to maximise across two screens. Not sure if maximise is available across two screens, whether using Windows settings or DF?

My screens are as follows....

Primary - Portrait (Flipped) 22" set at 1080 x 1920
Secondary - Landscape 10" set at 1080 x 864

The secondary screen is placed centrally, directly above the primary.
• Attachment [protected]: Dual_Screen_Layout.pdf [50,944 bytes]
Jun 8, 2022  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Hi Keith,

Is our "Span Windows Across all Monitors" function what you're looking for?

Jun 9, 2022  • #2
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Keith Sykes
6 discussion posts
Hi Owen. Thanks for the reply and suggestion.

I tried that but it doesn't work. When I click (CTRL + Win + '), it minimises the program, showing just the top menu bar on the primary screen.

I'm surprised that Windows 10 itself doesn't maximise the program over both screens.

On my main PC (Win 11), if I press Shift while clicking the program's maximise button on the top menu, it maximises across both of my two screens. Even though the screens are different sizes and resolutions, it maximises to the smallest (lowest resolution) screen and the rest of the program is shown on the largest (highest resolution) screen but at slightly smaller. Which is correct, due to the different resolutions.

On the PC in question, I have checked that the width resolutions are the same (1024). Plus, I can stretch the program manually to fit both screens but I can't do that every time I use the program.

So I'm puzzled as to why it doesn't work. I must be doing something wrong, or it's a graphics card limitation. It's an on-board Intel graphics card.
Jun 10, 2022  • #3
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Strange, is it only this specific program that is having troubles with that function? Is it a free app I can test out on my end?

Jun 10, 2022  • #4
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Keith Sykes
6 discussion posts
Hi Owen,

Apologies for the delay in replying...I was away for the weekend.

I'm going to stick with just the 22" touchscreen display.

Thanks for the help though.


Jun 14, 2022  • #5
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Keith Sykes
6 discussion posts
Hi Owen,

This discussion dates back to the middle of last year and I'd like to revisit the issue with maximizing a program over two screens.

You suggested trying 'Span Windows Across all Monitors', which I did...but this doesn't work. It seems to reduce the program to like a taskbar size.

I also tried this with Google Chrome to see if it was program specific but it's not. It does the same thing.

Does Nvidia settings have anything to do with it, as I don't have this on the PC that I need the 'spanning' on?
I have changed the PC recently and it now has Win 11 with a generic video (not Nvidia).
Nov 13, 2023  • #6
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Could you send me over a video of the issue?
Nov 14, 2023  • #7
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Keith Sykes
6 discussion posts
Hi Owen,

I'll try to do a video later today.

I haven't actually made the two-screen set up on the CNC machine yet, as I wanted to be sure that I could maximize the program over both screens before I spend quite a bit of time constructing the frame and brackets. It's not a deal breaker if this won't work, as the system is working just fine with the 22" touchscreen. It's more of a 'personal' goal to produce a two-screen setup similar to some high-end CNC machines.

So, I'll see if I can mount a temporary screen above the primary display, even if it might look a bit of a hash-up!
Nov 15, 2023  • #8
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Ah yeah, from your other post it sounds like this is a full screen window you want to stretch? If so that's not something we support, full screen windows will be restricted to your current monitor, but if you're able to combine the monitors via other software it should work.

Regardless, stretching a normal chrome window should work as well, so we can look into that once you grab a video :)
Nov 15, 2023  • #9
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