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17 discussion posts
We have recently bought DisplayFusion for our whole team and most of them use dual display configurations which are horizontally divided in 4 monitor splits by DisplayFusion now. We enabled two additional titlebar buttons for window maximizing (ignoring splits and across all monitors). Unfortunately maximizing and restoring does not work very reliable. Sometimes the maximize (ignoring monitor splits) button only expands the window to a single split, sometimes a maximized window (across all monitors) isn't restored to its original position at all when clicking the button a 2nd time and a few other issues...

PS: We installed the newest version v7.2.0, Beta 3 but unfortunately this doesn't fix these issues.
• Attachment: Screenshot-1.png [11,404 bytes]
• Attachment: Screenshot-2.png [164,994 bytes]
Mar 8, 2015  • #1
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17 discussion posts
Since it is difficult to understand these effects if you can not see them, we created a short screencast for you. This screencast (MP4 file) demonstrates some of the major issues we actually see plenty times per hour when intensively using DisplayFusion v7.2.0 (beta 3).

We hope that this screencast will help you to reproduce these issues on your own systems.

PS: To be honest we are a little bit disappointed because we have a lot of people now in our team using DisplayFusion and it often happens that DisplayFusion makes unexpected things with our windows, which must then be manually repaired by hand (e.g. windows stays in maximize-across-screen state etc.).
Mar 9, 2015 (modified Mar 9, 2015)  • #2
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Forgot to say that we all are using Win7 / 64-bit Ultimate...
Mar 10, 2015  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for the video! That's very helpful indeed. Monitor splitting is actually very tricky to do, and all of the things you showed in the video are side-effects of tricking applications into "maximizing" into an area smaller than the actual monitor bounds. However, I'll be putting all of these on our list to see if we can fix them up, as we definitely want to improve the usability of the Monitor Splitting functionality :)

I'll be sure to post an update when we're able to get any of these issues resolved!
Mar 10, 2015  • #4
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Update for you finally! We've completely revamped the monitor splitting code with the latest version of DisplayFusion (7.3). Could you give it a try when you have a chance and let us know how it works out for you? We're curious to hear your feedback :)

Sep 24, 2015  • #5
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17 discussion posts
I tried the new version with the same setup as specified in the first post.

1) The command "Maximize Window (ignore monitor split)" actually maximizes the window but if clicked the 2nd time the window doesn't revert to its old position.

2) Grabbing non-maximized windows and dropping them on the top edge of a monitor split area is one of the most easiest ways to move and maximize a window to certain monitor split. Unfortunately in 7.3.1 this seems to doesn't work at all for split areas 2 up to 4.

3) I simply re-perform the same steps as shown in the mentioned video above and there are other obvious problems, that are pretty easy to reproduce in a 2 monitor 4 split setup. Thus please take the time and replay the video by performing the same steps to collect the other problems.

Hope this helps somehow!
Sep 24, 2015 (modified Sep 24, 2015)  • #6
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, thanks Mythos! We'll continue to work on it with the new splitting code then :)
Sep 25, 2015  • #7
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