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25 discussion posts
So, sometimes when I'm streaming, I have a browser open with tabs, off screen, but as the tabs get added, they move closer and closer to the shortcuts I have configured in the functions at the top right and then when I'm wanting to close a tab with the x I mistakenly click a function, the shortcuts move my browsers to various locations on my various monitors, sometimes I mistakely click one of them that puts the browser in the monitor that I always use for my streaming.

Is there a way to add maybe a CTRL or something so when I click my '2nd' function WITHOUT CTRL it won't pop over to that monitor, all the others are fine as they are off screen.

Thanks for your time.
20 days ago  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
I've added this to our feature request list. We don't guarantee that feature requests will be implemented, or offer timelines on possible implementation. We'll be sure to let you know if we do add it to our planned features in a future version.

19 days ago  • #2
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25 discussion posts
Thanks for that.
19 days ago  • #3
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