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Andrew Broadbent
1 discussion post
I understand this is quite specific, but I have...
3x Monitors for display purposes and a monitor to control whats displayed through a video output window on the forward facing displays

the 3x Display monitors need to be duplication's of each other in portrait (and that works fine)

But what I need to be able to do is additionally split those duplicated displays into 3 virtuals on each screen and have 2 of those 3 virtual displays show the same video output window (That I can only generate once from my software.

But I am finding that 1st, my video output window does not truly recognise the virtual monitor when set to full screen, and will span all virtual's, and I cant duplicate/merge two virtuals together.

It is something I am able to achieve using a plug-in in my current video software, but I want to move away from this software, and thought Display Fusion may have been the answer.

I'm sure the answer will be that its not in the functionality, but I have to ask to be sure

Many thanks for anyone's time, and I hope that made sense

Jul 5, 2017  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Unfortunately DisplayFusion can't constrain video windows to splits at the moment, sorry! If we're able to get that working in the future, we'll definitely let you know.

Jul 5, 2017  • #2
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