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7OO Tnega Terces51097
1 discussion post
So I have a three monitor set up, and often I'll just turn my monitors off and leave my computer running, especially if I'm going to be back soon. The problem is that when I turn them back on, often times the windows that I had maximimzed or minimized on one monitor will be moved to another and maximized there. Not only does this force me to resort out my windows every single time, but some of those minimized windows I don't want randomly showing up fully maximized and on top without my permission (get your head out of the gutter! ;P ). I know that I can make certain programs always open on certain monitors, but that's not helpful here, since I want, say a specific window of Chrome tabs to be on one monitor, and another window of Chrome tabs to be on a second. And if I maximize or minimize a window on a monitor, I want it to stay like that. I need DF to dynamically see where all my windows are and how they are arranged and just keep them like that, not statically always open program X maximized on monitor Y. Can this be done, or can this feature please be added?!?
Oct 6, 2023  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
There isn't a way to prevent this from happening, but this guide should help you rearrange your windows after it does happen:
Oct 6, 2023  • #2
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