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4 discussion posts
Hi! I love love love Display Fusion, and love multi monitors as well as wallpaper changing software. I am a registered user of Display Fusion however I have one minor quibble and I only bring it up because I believe it's an EASY fix:

When Display Fusion starts, and is set to randomly change wallpaper (from My Pictures folder in my case) it changes the wallpaper on startup. The problem is I have Display Fusion set to start with Windows. I wish I could say my PC is more streamlined, but with all the other startup items I feel that Display Fusion is adding a lot of time to my bootup, and heck I just want to get in and check my email, I don't necessarily need a new wallpaper. I feel that Display Fusion starting up in and of itself is not so time consuming, but it randomly selecting a new wallpaper, 2 to 4MB in size, and changing out the wallpaper IS (possibly) a drag. So, could an option be put in to NOT change wallpaper on startup? Instead it would wait for the next scheduled interval (60 minutes in my case).

Thanks for hearing me out, I hope you can add a checkbox option as I suggest above. Hey, if this suggestion is used do I win a free license for my other PC? :-D

Oct 19, 2009  • #1
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
I already have some things built-in to DisplayFusion to try and help this. DisplayFusion won't try to change the wallpaper for the first 30 seconds that it is running, to try and let everything else start-up. Have you noticed it trying to change too soon?
Oct 21, 2009  • #2
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4 discussion posts
Sorry Jon, the 30 seconds is not long enough, not nearly. I'm sure that after logging in to windows that the loading process takes longer than 30 seconds. During my laptop's bootup you can see the wallpaper load that was the last wallpaper before I shut down. Then Windows continues to load and I have Firefox set to autorun on startup, it is usually the last thing to happen, but before Firefox gets a chance to load I see Display Fusion tray icon load and then the wallpaper change. Finally Firefox loads. All the while the HDD is spinning like crazy.

It sounds like you were on the right path putting a 30 second timer in but on my old laptop I would need a few minutes at least.

I suppose your customers might expect the wallpaper to change immediately upon load and if there were a several minute delay you'd get support questions about it. I still think a checkbox option of some sort is in order. "Do not change wallpaper on startup" :)
Oct 21, 2009  • #3
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
I have decided that I will add an Advanced Setting to control this behaviour. You can see other settings here:

It will allow you to manually specify a time (in seconds) that DisplayFusion will wait before doing anything at start-up. Would this work for you? Thanks!
Oct 23, 2009  • #4
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4 discussion posts
Yes sir that would work. I do feel it will be a nice (advanced) addition to the software. I have no qualms editing the registry.
Oct 27, 2009  • #5
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36 discussion posts
I have decided that I will add an Advanced Setting to control this behaviour. You can see other settings here:

It will allow you to manually specify a time (in seconds) that DisplayFusion will wait before doing anything at start-up. Would this work for you? Thanks!

I like this idea, I went to the adv set and I found another interesting set Performance Mode but... I check all the DF resgister part and I didnt found that, so I added it in my register manually and I have a question: will that performance mode besides using more ram also use more cpu?
Oct 27, 2009  • #6
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
@Cylon: Performance mode should reduce CPU usage during certain activities, but it mostly affects memory usage.

@purgueflantar: Excellent - version 3.1.6 will have this new registry key.

Oct 29, 2009  • #7
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36 discussion posts
Well Im using performance mode and ok uses twice the ram, now 12-14mb, before 6-7mb (wich is nothing to the amount of ram we use) but I have feel mby a little less spikes, I cant be sure but after some time I will and if so i will tell.
Oct 29, 2009  • #8
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
In an effort to cleanup the DisplayFusion forum, this topic is being locked and archived because it applies to an older version of DisplayFusion. If you are using the latest version of DisplayFusion and would still like some assistance, please create a new topic and I'll be happy to help you out. Thanks! :)
Feb 4, 2010  • #9
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