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1 discussion post
Hi Folks,
I am trying to do what I would have thought would be a very simple thing but I cannot make it happen. My failure to do it with Windows 10 display options lead me to Displayfusion as a possible solution but I can't figure that out either.
I have a tablet with Windows 10. It is connected to a TV in another room with an HDMI cable. I want the TV in the other room to show the same thing that I am seeing on the tablet. I tried to use windows to duplicate it but it is always about half the size it should be on the TV. If I extend the teblet screen and then hotkey the window over to the TV it works okay but I can't control anything that is happening because the tablet is no longer showing what is on the TV. I installed DisplayFusion and tryed to set up mirroring and it just ended up creating countless staggered copies of the tablet screen with still nothing on the TV. Also do I need to change the windows display setting to duplicate or extend in conjuction with what I am doing on DisplayFunction to acheive my goal of just have the TV mirror what I am seeing on the tablet but with all keyboard and mouse functions remaining on the tablet. Thanks
Jan 12, 2023  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Unfortunately DisplayFusion won't be able to help here. DisplayFusion uses the Windows API to set the monitor configuration, so if it doesn't work for you through the Windows Display Settings, it will fail in DisplayFusion as well.

Jan 12, 2023  • #2
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