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Henry Yei
15 discussion posts
I am having an issue with MobaXterm 8.3 and Display Fusion with a three monitor setup. The MobaXterm taskbar icon disappears when they are on one the fusion taskbars. After that I can access the MobaXterm window if I've minimized it. I can see MobaXterm running in my processes but can't get the app to come back into an interactive state. I have not been able to reproduce this with Display Fusion turned off (in three monitor mode). I am not using any splits, only the Desktop paper and taskbar function.

Windows 7 Professional x64 sp1
Dec 15, 2015 (modified Dec 15, 2015)  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
I was able to reproduce this issue here, and I've added it to our list. We'll be sure to let you know as soon as we're able to fix it up :)

In the meantime, you could also add a Compatibility rule in the DisplayFusion Settings to prevent MobaxTerm from being removed from the Windows taskbar, so that at least you'll have a taskbar button for it there when minimized.

• Attachment: MobaxCompatibility.jpg [136,408 bytes]
Dec 16, 2015  • #2
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Henry Yei
15 discussion posts
Thanks, I've let the mobxterm dev know as well in case it was something they could do on their side.
Dec 21, 2015  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We've just released a new DisplayFusion beta version ( and this issue should be all fixed up. However, there's a new issue where the MobaXterm button doesn't move back to the Windows taskbar properly. We've added that to our list as well :)
Jan 29, 2016  • #4
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