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3 discussion posts

I purchased and downloaded DF over the weekend, and everything is working fine, except ...

[list type=decimal]
  • Somehow, during the process of adjusting and testing the setup, Monitor #2 is now called Monitor #3. :? This isn't a huge problem, but I can't change the monitor with the main taskbar, unless I a) close DF; b) change to only one active monitor in Win 7 (x64); c) re-enable two monitors again; and d) re-enable DF. I tried uninstalling and re-installing DF, but it seems that the settings remain. I even tried going into regedit and changed the TaskbarPosition3 and TaskbarSize3 tags to TaskbarPosition2 and TaskbarSize2 -- no dice. Any thoughts?

  • DisplayFusion seems to have issues with Hibernate. When I return from Hibernate, the DF taskbar is OK, but the main taskbar is invisible, except for an outline of where it used to be. Restarting always gets things back right. Again, thoughts?
  • [/ul]

    Thanks in advance for any insights you can provide.



    Apr 19, 2010  • #1
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    3 discussion posts
    Apr 19, 2010  • #2
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    Kevin F.
    456 discussion posts
    I don't see why the main taskbar would be effected. Have you tested with DF off and repeating the process? Also test with the multi mon taskbars off, and repeat the process.

    As for changing the monitor with the 7 taskbar, have you tried going into screen resolution, clicking the other monitor and enabling use this as my main taskbar.
    Apr 19, 2010  • #3
    Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
    Hopefully this answers your 2 points:

    1. If it is DisplayFusion that is incorrectly detecting your monitors, I'm trying to resolve this for Beta 8 but it doesn't work 100% in Windows 7 right now.
    2. I'm not sure how DisplayFusion would affect the default Windows taskbar, does it do this when DisplayFusion is closed as well?
    Apr 20, 2010  • #4
    User Image
    3 discussion posts
    Hopefully this answers your 2 points:

    1. If it is DisplayFusion that is incorrectly detecting your monitors, I'm trying to resolve this for Beta 8 but it doesn't work 100% in Windows 7 right now.

    That seems to be what is going on. When I first installed DisplayFusion, both monitors were detected correctly. Then, after a couple of hibernates, DF would identify them as 2p-1, while Win7 ID'ed them as 1-2. Now, it ID's them as 1p-3.

    2. I'm not sure how DisplayFusion would affect the default Windows taskbar, does it do this when DisplayFusion is closed as well?

    No, without DF, return from hibernate is OK. With DF, the secondary taskbar is OK, but the main one is unusable: just an outline, although the position and size are still remembered. Very strange! I haven't tested it exhaustively, but it seems to have started when I tried to move the taskbars from the default (bottom) position.



    Bruce Wahler
    Apr 22, 2010  • #5
    Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
    What happens when DF isn't running when you return from hibernate? Is your main taskbar still affected?
    Apr 23, 2010  • #6
    Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
    In an effort to cleanup the DisplayFusion forum, this topic is being locked and archived because it applies to an older version of DisplayFusion. If you are using the latest version of DisplayFusion and would still like some assistance, please create a new topic and I'll be happy to help you out. There are also beta versions available for testing the latest features and bug fixes:

    Thanks! :)
    Jun 30, 2010  • #7
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