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2 discussion posts
My setup consists of 2 monitors, 1 LG TV, and a sound bar; all which are connected to my video card. I was able to set up monitor profiles to group up my 2 monites (Monitor Profile), and my TV and sound bar (TV Profile). That is working great.

The issue I am running into is creating a third profile that I called "Cinema". All this does is copy the TV Profile, but changes the refresh rate of the TV to 23.98Hz. When in the Monitor Configuration screen, I can click the 23Hz option for the TV, and the TV will switch to 23.98Hz (verified through the windows display settings). However, when I go to save the profile (by focusing on the window for the first time after the refresh rate change), the refresh rate toggle switches to 24Hz and it is saved as 24Hz.

So it seems that the issue might be that the software is rounding 23.98Hz up to 24Hz when checking the display settings? But since the TV supports 23.98Hz refresh rate, and the Monitor Configuration screen can apply it, not sure how I can force it to save the settings without having to apply it first. Or if there is another fix. Currently running version 10.1.2.

Oct 30, 2023  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
I believe some rounding is done sometimes, but I'd have to check into when exactly it does it. Is it causing an issue with it being 24 Hz instead of 23.98?
Oct 30, 2023  • #2
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2 discussion posts
Hi Keith! Appreciate the quick response.

For me, using 24Hz wont work as well. Im trying to switch the refresh rate to match the FPS of movies. Using 24fps will introduce small microstutters in fluid scenes in movies. Im currently making the switch manually via the windows menu.
Oct 30, 2023  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, thanks for the additional info on that! I will check in with our developers and see what we can do here.
Oct 31, 2023  • #4
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Could you do the following when you have a few minutes to spare?

  • Download this tool:
  • When the refresh rate is wrong, run the tool and save a copy of the info, then close it
  • Setup the monitors using the Windows display settings so it has the refresh rate you want
  • Run the BFCustomerTest tool again and save another copy of the info
  • Send me both copies of the info

Nov 2, 2023  • #5
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