Please let me know if you still run into any trouble after updating.
I'm now running version 9.5 via steam, and re-enabling a displayfusion taskbar still mirrors the orientation of the windows taskbar, so it would seem the problem isn't fixed.
Here's what I did. If you split an ultrawide monitor into three equal sections, set the native windows taskbar to vertical but the three displayfusion taskbars to all be horizontal, then run a script to disable taskbar 2.2 (BFS.DisplayFusion.DisableTaskbar(202)

and then run a script to enable taskbar 2.2 (BFS.DisplayFusion.EnableTaskbar(202)

, the re-enalbed displayfusion taskbar 2.2 will have changed orientation to vertical, mimicing the native taskbar's orientation for some weird reason.
For comparisons sake, when I uncheck Settings/Taskbar/Enable Multi-monitor Taskbars, it removes the displayfusion taskbars, and when I checkmark it again, the displayfusion taskbars 2.2 & 2.3 correctly come back in the same horizontal position, which is the behavior I'm looking for (but on a per-displayfusion taskbar level).
That said, I actually can't get any displayfusion 2.1 taskbar to display at all. The display fusion taskbar icon's right-click menu/Multi-monitor Taskbar has "Enable All Taskbars" and "Reset All Taskbars", neither of which will make the 2.1 displayfusion taskbar show up in a 2.1,2.2,2.3 split...though the native taskbar shows up in its place, of course. And I realize DisplayFusion can't disable the native windows taskbar, but you can set the native to auto-hide and then turn on all displayfusion taskbars 2.1,2.2,&2.3 instead. I could have sworn months ago when I was first learning about all this, that I found a way to do that, but I must've forgotten how I did it.