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6 discussion posts
Trying out DisplayFusion, I'm looking to be able to set up Monitor Splits and their corresponding Taskbars' per-task bar settings, and then save both as a "Monitor Configuration". Then I can repeat this for as many Monitor Configurations as I want.

Unfortunately, I think I'm realizing that once you set up a Taskbar, for example for Monitor 2.1, Monitor 2.1's Taskbar settings can only ever have one saved profile, as opposed to one saved profile for every Monitor Configuration. Is this correct?

I'm having to come up with Taskbar settings that work regardless of what Monitor Splits I use, because I can't set them specific to a certain split profile.

EDIT: I should add that I only have one Win7 PC outputting to an ultrawide monitor, so when I refer to different Monitor Splits, I'm referring to dividing my single desktop into additonal splits, allowing my ultrawide monitor to simulate multiple physical monitors.
Jan 14, 2019 (modified Jan 14, 2019)  • #1
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6 discussion posts
Trying out DisplayFusion, I'm looking to be able to set up Monitor Splits and their corresponding Taskbars' per-task bar settings, and then save both as a "Monitor Configuration". Then I can repeat this for as many Monitor Configurations as I want.

Unfortunately, I think I'm realizing that once you set up a Taskbar, for example for Monitor 2.1, Monitor 2.1's Taskbar settings can only ever have one saved profile, as opposed to one saved profile for every Monitor Configuration. Is this correct?

I'm having to come up with Taskbar settings that work regardless of what Monitor Splits I use, because I can't set them specific to a certain split profile.
I'll add that I think my question is pretty much the same thing that was asked in an earlier post, but that was 4 years ago, so I'm asking again:
Jan 14, 2019 (modified Jan 14, 2019)  • #2
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6 discussion posts
I'm also noticing that the Per-Taskbar Settings are forgotten every time you use a function that disables, the re-enables* the taskbar. This means that I can't use these functions if I also want to have one Monitor Configuration with a side Taskbar and another with a bottom Taskbar...or else the taskbars that DisplayFusion creates will take on the current orientation of the main Windows taskbar, rather than the orientation I previously set them to be (e.g., vertical/side or horizontal/bottom).

*Specifically, it's the re-enabling function that causes the settings to be forgotten. I know this because I ran a function to "enable Taskbar 2.1 & 2.2" while 2.1 was already displaying horizontally and 2.2 was completely off. After running the re-enable function, 2.2 turned on vertically (mimicing my main Windows taskbar) even though it was horizontal when it was last on, but even 2.1 switched to a vertical orienation even though it was already enabled at the time and didn't need to be enabled.
Jan 14, 2019 (modified Jan 14, 2019)  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
You're correct, there isn't currently a feature for Taskbar "Profiles," but it's on our feature request list. I've added your vote to it.

Thanks for the heads up about the re-enabling bug as well. I've put this on our list to fix up :)
Jan 16, 2019  • #4
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6 discussion posts
You're correct, there isn't currently a feature for Taskbar "Profiles," but it's on our feature request list. I've added your vote to it.

Thanks for the heads up about the re-enabling bug as well. I've put this on our list to fix up :)

Sure, and thanks for the straightforward reply. I realize updating all your code so that every instance of, for example, monitor 2.1 also accomodates an A,B,C,D,etc. version of it could be tedious.
Jan 18, 2019  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
No worries, have a great weekend!
Jan 18, 2019  • #6
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
The taskbar re-enabling bug should be fixed up in the latest beta, available here: Please let me know if you still run into any trouble after updating.

May 3, 2019  • #7
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6 discussion posts
Please let me know if you still run into any trouble after updating.
I'm now running version 9.5 via steam, and re-enabling a displayfusion taskbar still mirrors the orientation of the windows taskbar, so it would seem the problem isn't fixed.

Here's what I did. If you split an ultrawide monitor into three equal sections, set the native windows taskbar to vertical but the three displayfusion taskbars to all be horizontal, then run a script to disable taskbar 2.2 (BFS.DisplayFusion.DisableTaskbar(202);) and then run a script to enable taskbar 2.2 (BFS.DisplayFusion.EnableTaskbar(202);), the re-enalbed displayfusion taskbar 2.2 will have changed orientation to vertical, mimicing the native taskbar's orientation for some weird reason.
For comparisons sake, when I uncheck Settings/Taskbar/Enable Multi-monitor Taskbars, it removes the displayfusion taskbars, and when I checkmark it again, the displayfusion taskbars 2.2 & 2.3 correctly come back in the same horizontal position, which is the behavior I'm looking for (but on a per-displayfusion taskbar level).

That said, I actually can't get any displayfusion 2.1 taskbar to display at all. The display fusion taskbar icon's right-click menu/Multi-monitor Taskbar has "Enable All Taskbars" and "Reset All Taskbars", neither of which will make the 2.1 displayfusion taskbar show up in a 2.1,2.2,2.3 split...though the native taskbar shows up in its place, of course. And I realize DisplayFusion can't disable the native windows taskbar, but you can set the native to auto-hide and then turn on all displayfusion taskbars 2.1,2.2,&2.3 instead. I could have sworn months ago when I was first learning about all this, that I found a way to do that, but I must've forgotten how I did it.
Jun 30, 2019 (modified Jun 30, 2019)  • #8
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6 discussion posts
On an unrelated note, displayfusion used to get the auto-maximizing behavior wrong when I would click and drag an open window to another monitor split; it would put a padding in rather than butting the window directly adjacent to the side of the native taskbar (for example, when using a configuration of a dual split into halves and the left split with the native windows taskbar showing vertically—not hidden.) The other side of the window (without the padding) would then extend into the other split by that same amoun.

After the update, the "drag window to new split and maximize" behavior maximizes and positions itself correctly. I don't know if you fixed a bug or if updating reinitialized something in my particular install, but in actual practice, I found this bug more annoying than the OP topic of this thread, so thanks!
Jun 30, 2019 (modified Jun 30, 2019)  • #9
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ah, my bad! There were some additional details I should have added to that follow-up. The existing functions will still work as before. For 9.5 we added a new function to enable the taskbar on the side, so you can do something like this:

BFS.DisplayFusion.EnableTaskbarOnSide(102, "Left");

Regarding having the DisplayFusion taskbar on the split that has the Windows taskbar: You can enable the "Taskbar: Show on all monitors" option in the DisplayFusion Settings > Advanced Settings window to force that to happen.

Jul 2, 2019  • #10
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J van Hoorn
9 discussion posts
Any update on the "taskbar profiles" feature?
Aug 2, 2023  • #11
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
This isn't something we've added in but it is still open on our feature request list, so I've added your vote to it.
Aug 2, 2023  • #12
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