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5 discussion posts
I have an HDMI projector which does 4k 60Hz, and 1920x1080 "game mode" at 240Hz. I was hoping to be able to switch between these using monitor profiles, but it's not setting the refresh rate correctly in the 1080 profile.

Through windows settings or DisplayFusion, I can set the projector to the following 1080p modes, up to 60Hz:
Desktop mode:1920x1080,23.98Hz Active signal mode:3840x2160,23.98Hz
Desktop mode:1920x1080,60Hz Active signal mode:3840x2160,60Hz
The following can be set through windows settings, but attempting to apply them through DisplayFusion results in it setting this instead.
Desktop mode:1920x1080,119.88Hz Active signal mode:1920x1080,119.88Hz
Desktop mode:1920x1080,120Hz Active signal mode:1920x1080,120Hz
Desktop mode:1920x1080,239.76Hz Active signal mode:1920x1080,239.76Hz

It seems this projector supports higher refresh rates and lower latency on a 1920x1080 active signal, and all other resolutions are on top of a 3840x2160 active signal. I saved a profile with the desired 240Hz mode set through windows, and while it doesnt apply it correctly, it does show 'Detected Profile' when the refresh rate is set externally from DisplayFusion. I was on 10.0 and just installed 10.1-Beta 4, but that did not change the behaviour.
Jun 27, 2023  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Jun 27, 2023  • #2
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5 discussion posts
Thanks for the quick response! Refresh rate gets updated correctly with this version. I see that
doesn't the store
data that
On the other hand,
doesn't seem to support
, which I would like to be able to set as well inside the same profile.

While the version you linked me does not see the previously created
profiles, I can switch back to 10.0 or 10.1-Beta4 and still load resolution and refresh rate from the
I saved in 10.0-Beta17c, and load the
to set the scaling.

Attached the reg keys in case it helps.
• Attachment [protected]: MonitorConfig.reg [15,402 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: MonitorProfiles.reg [54,414 bytes]
Jun 28, 2023  • #3
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Yeah that version uses old monitor code that doesn't support the DPI changing. We are aware of some similar issues and we have this on our list to look into. We'll let you know if we need any other info.
Jun 29, 2023  • #4
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
We've released a new beta with some further changes. Can you update, recreate your profiles, and see if the issue persists?
Aug 3, 2023  • #5
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5 discussion posts
I'd tried Beta 6 about a week ago, so thanks for getting back to me, cause otherwise i might not have checked back for a while.

Beta 7 works, thanks for all your hard work! I can now have one profile that is
1080@240Hz 100% DPI
and another that is
4K@60Hz 175% DPI
, and applying them does set all those values correctly. It also looks like the "detected profile" seeming to take both refresh rate and DPI into account before claiming a match!

I did find what seems to be a related race condition with DisplayFusion's taskbar, but I've just switched back to using the windows taskbar, as it doesnt seem to have any issues with DPI switching.

Normally, I see the DisplayFusion taskbar disappear and relaunch on my other monitor while the resolution changes on the other, but about half of the time, when switching from the
4k 175% DPI
to the
1080 100% DPI
(n=20ish), the DisplayFusion Taskbar doesn't relaunch and the monitor with the changed DPI will still have the old DPI on the taskbar. Restarting DisplayFusion after switching does fix this, as does exiting DisplayFusion, and then swithing profiles with
, the following options didn't quite work as i'd hoped:


PS C:\Program Files\DisplayFusion> .\DisplayFusionCommand -closeall -and .\DisplayFusionCommand -monitorloadprofile "240Hz Projector"
C:\Program Files\DisplayFusion>DisplayFusionCommand -closeall && DisplayFusionCommand -monitorloadprofile "240Hz Projector"
DisplayFusionCommand -closeall -monitorloadprofile "240Hz Projector"

Seems like I could do this in general, but would have add a sleep, since
doesnt wait for success before returning
• Attachment [protected]: actual_1080_common.png [73,132 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: actual_1080_uncommon.png [35,219 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: actual_4k_uncommon.png [62,044 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: expected_1080.png [43,011 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: expected_4k.png [123,516 bytes]
Aug 4, 2023 (modified Aug 4, 2023)  • #6
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5 discussion posts
I forgot to post here again, but I found the "Scripted Functions" feature, so I worked around it with this:


if (BFS.DisplayFusion.LoadMonitorProfile(newProfileName))
    BFS.DisplayFusion.RunFunctionAndWait("Toggle Multi-Monitor Taskbar");
    BFS.DisplayFusion.RunFunction("Toggle Multi-Monitor Taskbar");

It takes a couple seconds longer to switch profiles, but fixes the taskbar scaling issues in the same button press.
Aug 7, 2023  • #7
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Glad to hear it's fixed up!

I've added that DPI issue to our list to look into, we'll let you know if we need any other info there.

Aug 8, 2023  • #8
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
We've released a new beta that might fix up that DPI issue, can you try it out and let me know if the issue persists?
Aug 22, 2023  • #9
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5 discussion posts
Thanks so much, switching between these profiles using a function button on the taskbar no longer requires a forced toggle of the taskbars afterwards! :D

I noticed a minor transient bug on the DPI switching if I switched profiles with the confirmation dialog enabled, in that it seems to freeze the taskbar reloading at whatever state it's at until you click confirm, so while the confirm dialog is up, sometimes there is no taskbar on the monitor which just switched DPI, and sometimes it's the old DPI (this screenshot attached), and sometimes it's as expected.
This ALWAYS fixes itself after clicking confirm, so it seems really minor, and I disabled the confirmation dialog for my function button that switches between them, so it's not bothering me, but thought you might still want to know.
It also doesn't look like it always gets the DPI set "back" correctly if you revert on the confirm dialog.

That said, as none of these edge cases affect my use case, feel free to consider my issue fully solved with 10.1 Beta 8 :)
• Attachment [protected]: 2023-08-30_10-36-28.jpg [61,658 bytes]
Aug 30, 2023  • #10
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Glad to hear it's fixed!

We can't seem to reproduce that loading issue here, but if we're able to in the future we'll take a look into it and see if we can fix it up.

Sep 5, 2023  • #11
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