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Chris Rotter
129 discussion posts
I like monitor fade although; I've been experiencing issues ever since enabling this feature, including as I write this message. The first issue is when my multiple monitor display goes into screen saver mode; there have been numerous times I come back to the display hit a key and or the mouse and the screen saver stops as it should, although no matter what mouse button I hit or keyboard button I hit, no window goes into focus mode, all windows on all displays remain faded; this is the same issue when both displays are powered off for long period of time ?

I've also tried to go to displayFusion icon in the system tray in hopes to try to get monitor fade to wake up so to speak but nothing seems to work; including right clicking on the displayFusion icon in system try to access additionanl settings options.

As well, how can I fade two windows between two or more displays but keep other windows in focus ?

And is there a way to set a timer on the fade so when working will autofade ?
Oct 6, 2023  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Hi Chris,

Could you send me over a video of that fading issue?

The other two requests are on our list, so I've added your vote to them. We'll let you know if we add them in the future.

Oct 6, 2023  • #2
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Chris Rotter
129 discussion posts
Hi Chris,

Could you send me over a video of that fading issue?

The other two requests are on our list, so I've added your vote to them. We'll let you know if we add them in the future.


There is not really anything to record; my first display consistently remains faded. I struggle with even attempting to close the displayfusion icon in the system tray; because of this ?

Although my second display is not fading the windows which are selected, only all windows in the first display are faded.
Oct 8, 2023  • #3
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Which fading mode are you using?
Oct 10, 2023  • #4
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Chris Rotter
129 discussion posts
Which fading mode are you using?

I'm trying to see if this continues after updating my graphics drivers in the last two days from a new release of the graphics driver within those two days. The issue has not persisted; I will update if it returns or not.
Oct 12, 2023  • #5
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