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Adam Breinich
3 discussion posts

I'm using Monitor Fade and I would like to use it this way (just to keep it simple, a smaller amount of fading for Monitor1 would be nice too):
-Monitor1 is never faded
-Monitor2 is automatically faded when not active

I looked around in the forum and there were a couple posts similar to mine. I tried the Fade Selected Monitor to Black function, but unfortunately it just crashed the program and it seems to be needed to be toggled by a hotkey (this might be / probably just me, I'm new to the program).

The Fade Non-Current Monitors option is very close to what I would like, but it is switching the fading between monitors and I would like to use a very strong fading on Monitor2, which is too much for Monitor1.
Fade Non-Primary leaves Monitor1 alone, but with this I can't unfade Monitor2 by just selecting a windows on it.

I think having the option to set fading per monitor should solve most of the requests I saw in the forum. Nearly all the functionality is in the options list, just can't apply them selectively.

I threw together a quick mockup of what I was thinking:

Obviously these are just example settings, and I had to leave out settings like Global hotkey to toggle Monitor Fading altogether and the Monitor Fading Color because I had limited space.

I know I'm asking a lot and I have to be realistic, but it just came into my mind while reading other posts about the function and trying to set it up for myself, how this option would solve most of the requests people had and wanted to share it.

Thank you by the way for being very active on the forum, it's nice to see developers that provide quick and effective support!

P.s.: It would be amazing to have the active (current) monitor selected by which monitor the mouse cursor is on, without clicking on anything, but I have a feeling that this is on a much different level of complexity,

so I see myself out. :-)
• Attachment: df_fading.jpg [149,880 bytes]
Jul 18, 2019 (modified Jul 19, 2019)  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We have open feature requests for both of those items, so we've added your vote to them :)

Jul 19, 2019  • #2
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Adam Breinich
3 discussion posts
Thank you very much and I look forward to the updates! :-)
Jul 21, 2019  • #3
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Carl Westman95341
1 discussion post

I'm also very interested in the "mouse movement to trigger active monitor" feature! It's like the only thing i'm still missing from DisplayFusion :) so that I no longer need to click to make the fading go away. Together with primary display never fading.

Can I ask if you have any estimate for when such a feature would be available? :)
Oct 11, 2019  • #4
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Unfortunately we can't offer an ETA, sorry!
Oct 11, 2019  • #5
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2 discussion posts
I know this is a little bit of necro on an old thread, but I'd like to toss my vote in on this one as well. I'm in the trial period and the only thing stopping me from a full on purchase is this functionality.
Feb 22, 2020  • #6
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@asianeko: I have two feature requests associated with this thread:

  • Option to have "Current Monitor" follow the mouse cursor, not the currently focused window
  • New Mode: Fade non-primary + non-current

Which one are you voting for? (Or both :))
Feb 24, 2020  • #7
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2 discussion posts
Both, please! Sorry I wasn't clear :)
Feb 25, 2020  • #8
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
No worries at all, just wanted to double-check!
Feb 25, 2020  • #9
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2 discussion posts
"I think having the option to set fading per monitor should solve most of the requests I saw in the forum. Nearly all the functionality is in the options list, just can't apply them selectively."

Exactly. Would love to see per monitor functionality. The more "if this than that" options and capabilities the better.
Jul 12, 2022  • #10
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