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Julio C Sarda Perez
9 discussion posts
Enabling monitor fading to fade all monitors but the primary monitor sometimes causes applications (games) to uniformly stutter every few seconds. The stutter occurs consistently every few seconds, locking the application for a consistent amount of time every time. Some applications are unaffected by monitor fading. I have not been able to notice a pattern between the unaffected applications and the affected applications.
Nov 23, 2021 (modified Nov 23, 2021)  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Hi Julio,

Strange, so the stuttering stops if you disable monitor fading, but DisplayFusion is still running in the background?

Nov 24, 2021 (modified Nov 24, 2021)  • #2
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Julio C Sarda Perez
9 discussion posts
Yes, the stutter / lag stops happening once monitor fading is disabled, even if DisplayFusion is still running. No other DisplayFusion settings such as taskbars seem to cause stutter.
Nov 25, 2021  • #3
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Could you send me a copy of your troubleshooting info? Here are the steps:
  • Open the Settings > Troubleshooting tab
  • Click the "Export Info to File" button
  • Reply with the file attached
Nov 25, 2021  • #4
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Julio C Sarda Perez
9 discussion posts
• Attachment [protected]: DebugInfo.html [465,388 bytes]
Nov 27, 2021  • #5
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Hi Julio,

Thanks for sending that over, everything looks okay there. Could you give me some examples of applications this issue is happening with? I'll test it out on my end to see if I can reproduce it.

Nov 30, 2021  • #6
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Julio C Sarda Perez
9 discussion posts
Hi Julio,

Thanks for sending that over, everything looks okay there. Could you give me some examples of applications this issue is happening with? I'll test it out on my end to see if I can reproduce it.


I have checked again with multiple applications. The problem seems to be ubiquitous and should be noticeable with any application rendering at a high enough framerate, such as videogames or video players.

Additionally, I suspect this is an issue caused from my high number of monitors. When setting monitor fading to fade only one monitor, the issue goes away.
Dec 1, 2021  • #7
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Julio C Sarda Perez
9 discussion posts
Here is a video illustrating the phenomenon. Notice how the cursor trails stop updating for a few milliseconds every few seconds.
• Attachment [protected]: 1280x720 2021-12-01 14-02-06.mp4 [7,235,633 bytes]
Dec 1, 2021  • #8
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Hi Julio,

Thanks for sending that over. I tested this out in a few games, like Rocket League, and NBA 2K 21 at 144hz, and I couldn't seem to reproduce it. I was using a 3 monitor setup though. Can you try with just 3 monitors plugged in, and see if the issue persists?

Dec 3, 2021  • #9
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Hi Julio,

Thanks for sending that over. I tested this out in a few games, like Rocket League, and NBA 2K 21 at 144hz, and I couldn't seem to reproduce it. I was using a 3 monitor setup though. Can you try with just 3 monitors plugged in, and see if the issue persists?

Dec 3, 2021  • #10
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