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1 discussion post
Sorry my poor English. I'm not a native speaker, but I'll try to describe the problem clearly.

I have two monitors, one is ASUS VE246H (LCD) with DVI port and the other is Acer 19'' monitor (LCD) with D-sub port.

In Windows setting, I extend my desktop to these two monitors, and set VE246H as the main monitor(#1), Acer 19'' monitor as secondary monitor.

But after using Displayfusion, there was a weird problem happened.

Displayfusion recognizes my Acer 19'' monitor as the #1 monitor, and VE246H as the #2p monitor.

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I try to uninstall Displayfusion, delete the data of Displayfusion in the regedit, reboot and then install "DisplayFusionSetup-".

This proble still happens.

My OS is Windows 7 64bit Enterprise, and the graphic chip is nVidia GTX260.

Thank for your help!
Aug 15, 2010  • #1
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
This is unfortunately an issue with Windows 7, there isn't a way to get the correct monitor numbers. I've worked with Microsoft to try and resolve this issue, and was told there is no way to do this. :( However, this shouldn't affect DisplayFusion's functionality, just use the monitor numbers in DisplayFusion and you'll be fine. :)
Aug 16, 2010  • #2
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