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4 discussion posts
I was hoping this change in 3.0.4 was finally a fix to a longstanding issue but it wasn't :-(
Fixed monitor order was sometimes different than Windows and affected window movement hotkeys[/color]

I have four monitors on two video cards. Each video card has a DVI and a VGA port -- which works perfectly for me, because two of the monitors I use are VGA only, and the two others have DVI.

Windows has the monitors ordered as such from left to right:


As such, if I put a window on the leftmost monitor (#3), and hit the Next Monitor hotkey, it moves to the second from the left. (#4). If I hit it again, though, it moves to the rightmost monitor (#1) whereas I'd rather have it move to the next nearest monitor to the right (#2). Then, of course, from #1, it bounces left to #2 before going back to the leftmost monitor again (#3). I hope that makes sense...

What I was hoping you'd add would be a way to reorder the monitors regardless of how Windows numbers them, so I can have the "next monitor" hotkey move from left to right and "previous monitor" hotkey from right to left.

Due to the connectivity issues (DVI & VGA compatibilities), I have limited options on which ports to connect what to, and due to physical space, monitor size/orientation, and aestetic issues, I can't physically rearrange the monitors. So far I haven't been able to come up with a way to get Windows to recognize the displays in the correct order either.

Is this something you could look into?
May 11, 2009  • #1
John L. Galt's profile on
Which OS are you using?
I am I.
May 12, 2009  • #2
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4 discussion posts
Windows Vista Ultimate x64
May 12, 2009  • #3
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
I am planning on having a hidden registry setting for either DisplayFusion 3.0.5 or 3.1 that will allow you to specify the order you want the monitors to appear. :)
May 12, 2009  • #4
John L. Galt's profile on
It's been a while now, and I had some issues depending upon which driver I used for my Dual head video card (native windows driver made one primary and the other secondary, but the ATI drivers switched that for some odd reason in Vista) but I could just drag the monitors into position in the Display properties. So, is DF still not recognizing which order you have them arranged in the Display properties and moving the items according to actual physical number?
I am I.
May 12, 2009  • #5
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4 discussion posts
It's been a while now, and I had some issues depending upon which driver I used for my Dual head video card (native windows driver made one primary and the other secondary, but the ATI drivers switched that for some odd reason in Vista) but I could just drag the monitors into position in the Display properties. So, is DF still not recognizing which order you have them arranged in the Display properties and moving the items according to actual physical number?

Exactly ... the displays are arranged in the correct order from left to right as far as wallpapers, mouse movement, etc are concerned ... but when I use the hotkeys, it doesn't jump linear left to right... it jumps in a 1-2-4-3 pattern instead of 1-2-3-4. And, not sure it's relevant, but both my video cards are ATI (HD2400 and HD3450).

I am planning on having a hidden registry setting for either DisplayFusion 3.0.5 or 3.1 that will allow you to specify the order you want the monitors to appear. :)

Hope that fixes it... it's just really annoying. I like things being linear... left to right, right to left... the way it jumps over the third screen and then back annoys me. :-)
May 13, 2009  • #6
John L. Galt's profile on
Honestly, I do believe it is relevant - when you re-arrange your monitors in WinXP, and then press the identify button, are they 're-numbered" 1-2-3-4 pr are they numbered 1-2-4-3?

At any rate, Jon's reg hack should fix you up - but I think it is a fault of either XP or the ATI drivers (I am inclined to think XP, b/c I had many fewer problems like this in Vista and none thus far in Windows 7...).
I am I.
May 15, 2009  • #7
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Forgive me for replying to an old topic, but I just wanted to clear this up. This issue has been fixed in the latest version of DisplayFusion ( BETA) and I just wanted to mark this topic as complete. :) As this is an old topic, I am going to lock/archive it. If you experience this issue again with the latest version of DisplayFusion please start a new topic. Thanks!
Jan 12, 2010  • #8
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