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39 discussion posts

I have my PC attached to my amplifier (which is connected to an HD TV) using an HDMI cable. I have a profile set in DisplayFusion that switches the video output to this and use the amplifier as the default playback device, set in the Monitor Profile's settings. This works great, and I love this feature!

However, and I believe this is happening since Windows 10, after a reboot, it doesn't work anymore. It switches the video over to the amplifier/ HD TV, but sound is still coming from PC speakers. I have to re-set the Playback Device in the Monitor Profile's settings, and then it works again.

Any help to get this fixed is much appreciated.

Apr 1, 2016  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Glad to hear you like the Monitor Profiles! Does the name of the audio device change after a reboot? I've seen it where some devices have a letter appended, that seems to change on reboots or disconnects/reconnects.
Apr 1, 2016  • #2
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39 discussion posts
Hi Keith,

You are correct! The audio device was listed as VSX-1020-8 and after reboot/ reconnect, it was VSX-1020-C!
I suppose this could be solved if DisplayFusion would look for VSX-1020*. Or something like that?
Apr 2, 2016 (modified Apr 2, 2016)  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Yep! I will add that to our feature request list. In the meantime, you could download the "Change Audio Device by Wildcard" scripted function ( and modify it to also load the Monitor Profile. On the Settings > Functions tab, click the "Download Scripted" button, and download that script. You can add the following line just above the "string[] audioDevices" line:



Also make sure to edit the "device.contains" line in the foreach loop to use your audio device name.

Running the script will then load the Monitor Profile, and switch to the right Audio Device :)

Hope that helps!
Apr 4, 2016  • #4
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39 discussion posts
That works great! Thanks Keith.

Have been using DisplayFusion for some years now and it seems to just keep getting better. Great job!
Apr 4, 2016  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Excellent, glad to hear it!
Apr 5, 2016  • #6
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