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Michael Barker2
1 discussion post
I just setup 2 monitor profiles. Profile 1 has my 2 desktop monitors enabled and Profile 2 has the TV enabled. When I switch from Profile 1 to Profile 2 my desktop comes up for a few seconds on the TV and I can see the 'Keep Changes' dialogue that pops up but it doesn't fully render, it's basically an empty box with no text, and then it automatically switches back to Profile 1. It's doing this much faster than before the 'Keep Changes' dialogue would switch things back automatically. Any ideas on how to fix this?

Edit: I'm on Windows 7 if that matters.
Edit 2: If I go into monitor configuration and set the TV as enabled without hitting ok/apply before switching profiles then it works but I'm using keyboard shortcuts which defeats the whole purpose of having to go into Monitor Configuration to enable a monitor and then use the shortcut. I'm assuming this isn't necessarily how it's intended to work. I only get the issue when switching from Profile 1 (with the 2 monitors) to Profile 2 (with just the tv).
Feb 8, 2014 (modified Feb 8, 2014)  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
You can disable the confirmation prompt in the DisplayFusion Settings > Advanced Settings window, using the Monitor Configuration: Don't Show Confirm Prompt option. That way it won't prompt or automatically revert back when you switch profiles :)
Feb 10, 2014  • #2
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