17 discussion posts
Since last week, the monitor profile triggers I rely on for gaming has stopped working correctly, it will switch to my "Gaming mode" profile but then immediately switch back to my "Desktop mode" profile.
Some more details on my setup. I have two monitor profiles I switch between, Desktop mode is just the monitor on my desk as the only monitor, and Gaming mode, which uses my TV as the primary monitor and my desk screen as secondary.
Then I combine that with an app called Playnite, which has two seperate .exe's, the desktop version of Playnite and the Fullscreen version of Playnite, that it can switch between. So the triggers I have in DisplayFusion are for when it detects Playnite-Fullscreen has started, so it will launch on my TV, and then another trigger for when the Playnite-Fullscreen process has ended, which will then trigger the switch back to Desktop mode.
This has been working great for the last few months, but now I'm having troubles with it. It will detect Playnite Fullscreen so it switches to the Gaming mode profile, but then it immediately switches back to Desktop-only mode before the Fullscreen app finishes launching and then just launches it on my desktop monitor.
I tried editing the trigger, making it so that the "Process ended > Switch to Desktop mode profile" has a delay, first I tried 2000 ms, then 5000 ms, but it didn't work, and it switches back to Desktop mode before those 5 seconds have even ended. Switching monitor profiles manually (shortcuts on my numpad) seems to work as normal, so it's the triggers specifically I think.
I attached the debug file to this post, please help. This has been such a huge tool to my gaming setup and I really need it working again.
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusionDebugInfo.zip [26,048 bytes]
If you disable the trigger that fires when the process ends, and then launch the app, does it switch to your gaming profile and stay there?

17 discussion posts
I checked out the triggers and I found the issue. I also had them set to only activate while a certain profile was active. So only switch to Desktop mode while Gaming mode was the current profile. But I must have messed something up when alterting the profiles themselves because they were swapped. So I changed the monitor profile in the match conditions and it seems to be fixed now.