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J van Hoorn
9 discussion posts
Is there a way to let the taskbar settings follow (or be dependent on) the monitor profile?
I have to re-adjust my taksbars every time I switch monitor profiles (at the same location/setup) but also when I have another workplace with another monitor setup.

My problem is maybe best explained with a simple example. For one of my monitors in portrait mode I have different splits in two profiles. SPlit vertically in three or in two. I would like to have the taskbar on the top for the top part, on the bottom for the bottom part and when I have it split in three I would like to have the taskbar for the middle split on the right.

Currently when I switch between the profiles I always have to adjust the taskbar of the second split to the desired position. Is there a way to have this adjustment automatically?

If not I would submit a feature request to have "taskbar profiles" similar to the other profiles that can be selected with the monitor profiles, similar to the wallpaper and windows position :)
Oct 20, 2022  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
There isn't currently a way to do this, but we do have an open feature request for it. I've added your vote to it :)

Oct 20, 2022  • #2
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J van Hoorn
9 discussion posts
Is there any update on this feature (request)?

And is there a (public) list with such requests?
Jan 12, 2023  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
This feature is not yet planned. We keep our feature request list private, but I've added your vote to this request.

Jan 12, 2023  • #4
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