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madLyfe's profile on
using windows 8.1 and classic start menu
i have displayfusion set to manage my screen saver, but when i lock my computer manually it goes to the lock screen and then after less than a minute the screens turn off. this is not the case when i just leave my computer alone. it functions normally as per my settings, 10 minutes till the screens go into screen saver mode and then 20 minutes till they shut off. shouldnt it be that the screens will still have to wait for the whole 10 minutes and then 20 for shut off when manually locked?

• Attachment [protected]: 2014-01-15_17-27-58.png [85,946 bytes]
Jan 15, 2014 (modified Jan 17, 2014)  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
This is actually by design in Windows 8/8.1. Funny thing is, I've noticed it as well, but never really looked into a solution. After reading your question, I did a quick Google search and came up with this:

I've just tested it out, and it seems to work great :)
Jan 17, 2014  • #2
madLyfe's profile on
This is actually by design in Windows 8/8.1. Funny thing is, I've noticed it as well, but never really looked into a solution. After reading your question, I did a quick Google search and came up with this:

I've just tested it out, and it seems to work great :)

sorry keith, i should have used my google fu from the beginning! i just figured since i was controlling the screen saver from DF that that is where the problem was. thanks for the tip!
Jan 17, 2014  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
No worries, glad I could help :)
Jan 17, 2014  • #4
madLyfe's profile on
another thing i noticed with the screen saver is that when i try to wake it up, i cant just move my mouse, i have to actually click to make it come back to the login screen.. not sure if this is DF or another windows option im over looking?
Jan 27, 2014  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
That's as expected for the DisplayFusion Screen Saver, as we're not able to hook mouse movements due to the screen saver being run on a secure desktop.
Jan 28, 2014  • #6
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1 discussion post
After searching exhaustingly through many of these discussion boards and seeing the same tripe of answers about registry edit and downloading registry files or even resetting user security policies, the unthinkable happened. Sometimes the simplest solution can be well over thought by the smartest individuals. Due to a security update by microsoft which is a standard update it doesn't matter if you have disabled your screen saver. There is a small clickable box under where you shut off your screen saver to none that states Wait one minute. It seems with the update that is clicks the ticker... SO much for the egg head community overlooking the smallest thing. I have tested and found it to work
Sep 11, 2014  • #7
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Nepolis!! Thank you so much. I've been searching online for this solution and thought I had tried everything. This simple step worked!
Sep 13, 2014  • #8
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Thanks for that link! I had this same problem previously and performed a fix to get this working again. This Reg key makes things much easier! The other procedure involved copying profiles from command line and editing settings from command line.
Oct 10, 2014  • #9
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2 discussion posts

I just upgraded to windows 10 and it seems it is the same issue. I have my screensaver set to none and it does not show me a little box like you mentioned.
where did you see this option?

Jul 31, 2015  • #10
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2 discussion posts
I really need some help with this too. Win 7 > Win 10 and this is driving me nuts. This is the ONLY thread I can find on this topic anywhere. Where is this button?
Aug 4, 2015  • #11
madLyfe's profile on
I really need some help with this too. Win 7 > Win 10 and this is driving me nuts. This is the ONLY thread I can find on this topic anywhere. Where is this button?

follow the directions in the link posted in the second post.

This is actually by design in Windows 8/8.1. Funny thing is, I've noticed it as well, but never really looked into a solution. After reading your question, I did a quick Google search and came up with this:

I've just tested it out, and it seems to work great :)
Aug 4, 2015  • #12
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2 discussion posts
I really need some help with this too. Win 7 > Win 10 and this is driving me nuts. This is the ONLY thread I can find on this topic anywhere. Where is this button?

follow the directions in the link posted in the second post.

This is actually by design in Windows 8/8.1. Funny thing is, I've noticed it as well, but never really looked into a solution. After reading your question, I did a quick Google search and came up with this:

I've just tested it out, and it seems to work great :)

I have, and it didn't work.
Aug 4, 2015  • #13
madLyfe's profile on
I really need some help with this too. Win 7 > Win 10 and this is driving me nuts. This is the ONLY thread I can find on this topic anywhere. Where is this button?

follow the directions in the link posted in the second post.

This is actually by design in Windows 8/8.1. Funny thing is, I've noticed it as well, but never really looked into a solution. After reading your question, I did a quick Google search and came up with this:

I've just tested it out, and it seems to work great :)

I have, and it didn't work.

not sure. i did it yesterday and it worked fine on win10.
Aug 4, 2015  • #14
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2 discussion posts
I downloaded the reg fixes and how I got it to work was I opened advanced power options in the back ground, then I clicked on the "2. Add "Console lock display off timeout" to Advanced Power Settings" then it showed up in the advanced power options, and it was set for 1 minute. I changed to 60 min and it worked.
You may have to do this add reg a couple times to show but it worked for me.
Aug 4, 2015  • #15
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
You should also just be able to use the "Lock Screen Timeout" option on the DisplayFusion Settings > Window 8/10 tab :)
Aug 6, 2015  • #16
Clint Satterwhite's profile on
I hate to necro a thread, but since I am having issues with an HP dock, and this came up in my search results as a possible workaround...

The "Console lock display off timeout" setting doesn't appear in the advanced settings in Windows 10. To enable it, change the "attribute" from 1 to 2 for the following registry key:


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SYSTEM\ CurrentControlSet\ Control\ Power\ PowerSettings\ 7516b95f-f776-4464-8c53-06167f40cc99\ 8EC4B3A5-6868-48c2-BE75-4F3044BE88A7

I also read somewhere that you can change "attribute" to 0 and the monitors will never turn off, but I have not tested that. Changing to 2 does allow the settings to show up and I was able to solve my issue.

Dec 2, 2016 (modified Dec 2, 2016)  • #17
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1 discussion post
By default, the "Console lock display off timeout" setting will not show up in the Power Options dialog box, and we have to apply the registry tweak first:

This worked for me.
Jan 12, 2017  • #18
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1 discussion post
Here is how to change windows 10 Lock screen timings
1 – Click on windows key in the extreme bottom left of your screen and then click on settings.
2 – Click on Personalization in the setting window.
3 – Now, in the left menu click on Lock screen. After that scroll down in the right side and click on Screen timeout settings.
4 – Now, in the next screen change the time settings to a higher level. If you want to disable them, choose never from the dropdown.
Dec 31, 2017  • #19
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Is there a way to do this via a group policy? I would like to enforce the power save timeout via a group policy.
Jan 10, 2018  • #20
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golfjunkie - did you ever find a way to apply this through GPO? That's my current task at the moment!
Feb 22, 2018  • #21
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@sparkiejen: no I haven't .:(
Feb 23, 2018  • #22
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1 discussion post
You can change the timing from settings.

Right click on battery icon and choose power options.

Now go to choose when to turn off display.

provide specific times and you are done.

You can also change sleep time by clicking on Change when the computer sleeps.

Source: - YTECHB
Mar 7, 2018 (modified Mar 7, 2018)  • #23
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Sean Gabel10570
1 discussion post
I am also facing the same issues that would make some people get really annoyed. I have an HP desktop and it really kills me when the screen turns off after a minute or so. As I mostly have the reading related work, the quick screen lock isn't helping much. HP Support also doesn't give the best help.
Aug 16, 2018  • #24
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@Sean Gabriel: Have you tried changing the timeout on the DisplayFusion Settings > Windows 10 tab? (Screenshot attached for reference)
• Attachment: lock screen timeout.png [43,342 bytes]
lock screen timeout.png
lock screen timeout.png
Aug 16, 2018  • #25
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1 discussion post
golfjunkie - did you ever find a way to apply this through GPO? That's my current task at the moment!

Not to dig up an old thread, but I was just looking into this for my employer and found a way to push it through GPO. Through a logon script using powercfg options (that don't seem to be very well documented, but they're decipherable...) you can set both the Console Lock Display Off Timeout and the Unattended Sleep Timeout. Below is the section of code for that.. all times are in seconds, as far as I can tell. I have them set so high because our screensaver doesn't kick in for 20 minutes.

Let me know if you have any questions; I'll do my best to keep track of this thread and answer. I don't use DisplayFusion and just signed up for the account to spread the good word.


rem Console Lock Display Off Timeout on battery
powercfg /SETDCVALUEINDEX SCHEME_CURRENT 7516b95f-f776-4464-8c53-06167f40cc99 8EC4B3A5-6868-48c2-BE75-4F3044BE88A7 2700

rem Console Lock Display Off Timeout plugged in
powercfg /SETACVALUEINDEX SCHEME_CURRENT 7516b95f-f776-4464-8c53-06167f40cc99 8EC4B3A5-6868-48c2-BE75-4F3044BE88A7 2700

rem Unattended Sleep Timeout on battery
powercfg /SETDCVALUEINDEX SCHEME_CURRENT 238C9FA8-0AAD-41ED-83F4-97BE242C8F20 7bc4a2f9-d8fc-4469-b07b-33eb785aaca0 2700

rem Unattended Sleep Timeout plugged in
powercfg /SETACVALUEINDEX SCHEME_CURRENT 238C9FA8-0AAD-41ED-83F4-97BE242C8F20 7bc4a2f9-d8fc-4469-b07b-33eb785aaca0 2700
Jan 22, 2019  • #26
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