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157 discussion posts
Splits and Padding ignores DF taskbar. If I split a screen a full-screen application will display beneath the DF taskbar. If I change teh splits height the DF taskbar will display at the custom height and overlays all full-screen applications.
• Attachment: 2020-12-28 16_51_48-.jpg [252,757 bytes]
2020-12-28 16_51_48-.jpg
2020-12-28 16_51_48-.jpg
Dec 28, 2020 (modified Dec 29, 2020)  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Could you send me a copy of your troubleshooting info? Here are the steps:

  • Open the Settings > Troubleshooting tab
  • Click the "Export Info to File" button
  • Reply with the file attached
Dec 30, 2020  • #2
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157 discussion posts
You ought to see the same. I dislike having to send log files when the log file (even minimal) gathers file history, document titles, document UNC paths, file structure, browser tab contents, etc, and I have to edit the log each time to administer my privacy and intellectual property. All of which have nothing to do with troubleshooting DisplayFusion issues.

I've asked Binary Fortress to cease this attitude and you continue this data collection. It's not difficult for your developers to program Binary Fortress applications to obfuscate this personal data with ABC1234 (no funny business generating encrypted data so you decrypt it) for such information when generating a log.
Dec 30, 2020 (modified Dec 30, 2020)  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
I'm not able to reproduce this issue here, which is why I requested the troubleshooting info.

We don't track file history or browser tab history or anything like that. If there's a filename or page title in a window title then it may show up in some of the troubleshooting sections. I will put in a request with our developers to add an option to disable window titles in the troubleshooting info.

Could you send me just the 3 sections after the "Proxy" section of the troubleshooting info? They start with "SortByDeviceID, AllMonitors"

Jan 6, 2021  • #4
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157 discussion posts

We don't track file history or browser tab history or anything like that.

Yes you do. ALL information is in the troubleshooting log. You even save word file names, excel file names, pptx file names, txt file names, ico, lnk file names, and many other extensions and file names. Additionally the UNC (local or server) where the files are located. It's aboslutely unneccessary.
Sep 12, 2021 (modified Sep 12, 2021)  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
The image file names/locations are helpful when troubleshooting issues where the concern is that the images are pulled from the wrong place, or it says one file is loaded when it's really showing another, etc. Document names are a side effect of us logging window titles (helpful for troubleshooting triggers, window position profiles, etc). Many apps show the document file name in the window title.

If you don't want to send us the troubleshooting info or debug logs, that's fine, but if we can't reproduce a reported issue locally here, we're a bit stuck without extra info.
Sep 16, 2021  • #6
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157 discussion posts
The image file names/locations are helpful when troubleshooting issues where the concern is that the images are pulled from the wrong place, or it says one file is loaded when it's really showing another, etc. Document names are a side effect of us logging window titles (helpful for troubleshooting triggers, window position profiles, etc). Many apps show the document file name in the window title.

If you don't want to send us the troubleshooting info or debug logs, that's fine, but if we can't reproduce a reported issue locally here, we're a bit stuck without extra info.

All of which can be offuscated so neither party can decipher.

ICO files are not personal files nor personal folder/file locations ICO files are images belonging to the respective application. I was using ICO's as an example as to the depth of the logging.

Logging personal folder/file locations and names is by law privacy invasion, besides MOST customers do not understand how logging works. Yes Binary Fortress can eliminate all of the this type of logging without issues. You even keep a HISTORY in the log labeled RECENT. Yes each time I create a log file I have to sift through the log file and remove confidential data unassociated with Binary Fortress.

If a law firm caught on to this and understood what was going on and discovered they were submitting confidential client data within the Binary Fortress troublleshooting log... guess what... it could be considered a Federal crime.

Troubleshooting logs should never contain anything linked to the customer, or their customers, ever.
Sep 19, 2021  • #7
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