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2 discussion posts
Windows 7 (RTM, MSDN)
DisplayFusion 3.1.4

I used to run Ultramon when I had XP, but installed DF recently when I moved to Windows 7.

As soon as I had installed DF, games (listed below) became very choppy whereas beforehand they were very smooth. Interestingly there was not much of a difference in FPS. The choppiness greatly affected mouse input making the mouse 'skip' inconsistently. That is, the rate of movement jumps drastically at random moments, and is generally inconsistent.

I tried checking my mouse, but got the same skipping with 3 mice (with corresp drivers installed):

  • Razer Deathadder
  • Logitech mx518
  • Razer Lachesis

... using a Razer Destructor mousepad. Since all mouse skipped, I next did software isolation tests:

[list type=decimal]
  • standard bootup environment. DF running
  • standard bootup environment. no DF running
  • bare essentials with all background processes closed. DF running
  • bare essentials with all background processes closed. DF not running
  • many extra background processes. DF running
  • many extra background processes. DF not running
  • [/ul]

    The corresponding results of this were:

    [list type=decimal]
  • skipping
  • smooth
  • skipping
  • smooth
  • skipping
  • smooth
  • [/ul]

    This behaviour was consistent with the following fullscreen games:
    • Team Fortress 2 (steam)
    • Counter Strike: Source (steam)
    • Call of Duty 4 (non-steam)

    I have installed the latest videocard drivers (nvidia 8800GTS 512mb), and directx drivers (DirectX 11), and the Windows is genuine and up to date.

    I am running two monitors at 60Hz:
    [list type=decimal]
  • 1680x1050
  • 1280x1024
  • [/ul]

    I can only conclude that DisplayFusion is the culprit here. Please find a fix for this behaviour because I dont want to go back to Ultramon since it has poor Windows 7 support
    Oct 8, 2009  • #1
    Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
    Make sure the DisplayFusion setting "Pause System Hooks when a fullscreen program is detected" on the "Options" tab. Let me know if this solves the problem, and if not we can try a few more things.
    Oct 8, 2009  • #2
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    2 discussion posts
    Make sure the DisplayFusion setting "Pause System Hooks when a fullscreen program is detected" on the "Options" tab

    That seemed to fix the skipping. thanks. :-)
    Oct 10, 2009  • #3
    Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
    Excellent - thanks for the follow-up. :)
    Oct 10, 2009  • #4
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    1 discussion post
    Hello, I have exactly the same problem as hyperwired, the mouse skipping apears in fullscreen games like hyperwired. Only one thing is difference. I just use one single monitor 1680x1050. Do you have some other ideas about how i can solve the problem? please let me know..
    Jan 9, 2010  • #5
    Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
    @kalzn: Have you tried this suggestion yet:
    "Make sure the DisplayFusion setting "Pause System Hooks when a fullscreen program is detected" on the "Options" tab"

    What version of DisplayFusion are you using? If you're feeling adventurous, can you give the new beta a try and see if that helps out? It has a number of hook related improvements:

    If none of these work, can you post all the information from the Troubleshooting tab in the DisplayFusion Settings window? Thanks!
    Jan 10, 2010  • #6
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