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120 discussion posts
I recently update Adobe Reader from 9.?? to latest X version and found that it's impossible to move Reader's windows to next monitor.
Still on Windows XP SP3 English.
Jan 30, 2011  • #1
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
What version of DisplayFusion are you using? If you're using the latest Beta 15 it should work. The current public version (3.2.0) doesn't work with Adobe Reader X.
Jan 31, 2011  • #2
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120 discussion posts
Beta 15. Seems like doesn't work for me(( I tried both empty window and with opening some pdfs.
Jan 31, 2011  • #3
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Can you try updating to version 3,3? Also, unfortunately this option won't work with Reader X in Windows XP (if that is what you are using), sorry.
Feb 28, 2011  • #4
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120 discussion posts
I tried with DF 3.3, Windows XP Pro Eng with all updates, Reader X 10.0.1. Seems like it doesn't work for me.
If I downgrade to Reader 9 will it work?
Feb 28, 2011  • #5
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Yes, downgrading to Reader 9 or upgrading to Windows 7 will fix this issue. :)
Mar 14, 2011  • #6
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120 discussion posts
Strange. It's window looks like very common window.

Ok, I'll switch to 9 version of Reader.
Mar 14, 2011  • #7
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
It looks like a normal window, but Reader X introduced something called a "sandbox" which prevents any external applications from interfacing with it. :( DisplayFusion in Windows Vista and Windows 7 can interface with Reader X, but not in Windows XP, sorry.
Mar 14, 2011  • #8
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120 discussion posts
So, you say, it doesn't work only on XP. Fun! :) I'll try to implement test example:
1. Get window handle under cursor (without hooking middle button);
2. Call SetWindowPos, MoveWindow or some WinAPI funcs.
Hope this method will work.
Mar 14, 2011  • #9
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
The window can be manipulated, unfortunately that's not the issue. Detecting the clicks in the window is the issue. Without installing a global mouse hook (yuck, DisplayFusion used to have this and it caused too many performance issues) there isn't a way in XP to do this, sorry.
Apr 6, 2011  • #10
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