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2 discussion posts
I have a 3 monitor setup, my leftmost monitor oriented vertically and the other 2 being horizontal. Whenever I launch any game in Fullscreen, being it exclusive or borderless, at some point the mouse will either flick my camera to the left at the next frame, or I will be spun around 180 degrees.

I tried changing mice to another logitech mouse, and then a Cooler Master mouse but behavior is the same. Tried it on a different device and it doesn't happen there.

I tried changing the polling rate to the minimum it would go (125hz) and it'll still happen.

I tried all other USB ports on my computer but it would behave the same.

I tried cleaning all the sensors on my mouse with water and a Q-tip, and then compressed air, but it would behave the same.

I tried cleaning my mousepad and scrubbing it to remove debris, but it would behave the same.

What tipped me off was that somewhere on a different forum I believe, they tried unplugging their drawing tablet that they had connected and that solved the issue.

I unplugged my other 2 monitors besides my primary and tried playing games and then there were no issues. I re-plugged my monitors, but closed out DisplayFusion and had the default Windows Taskbars setting in Windows 11 on, and there was no issue.

I'm wondering if there is some issue where when launching the game, is it somehow extending very slightly to my other monitors that're flanking it which would cause my mouse to spin out?

Attached the log file from DisplayFusion, any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusion.log [5,118,816 bytes]
Jul 21, 2023 (modified Jul 21, 2023)  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
In the DisplayFusion Settings > Mouse Management, do you have "Prevent mouse cursor from sticking in sticky corners" enabled?
Jul 24, 2023  • #2
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2 discussion posts
So I actually managed to resolve this by only having the following options enabled under Mouse Management:

"Allow the mouse wheel to scroll windows under the mouse cursor that are not in focus"


"Prevent mose cursor from snagging on unaligned left/right monitor edges"

Afterwards, I didn't see any wacky behavior with my mouse anymore. What I do notice though is that in Menus for games, it'll act as if it's getting stuck between monitors, where the mouse will jump between a invisible threshold, but it is just cosmetic, it doesn't hamper my activities now.

Thanks for the reply though!
Jul 24, 2023  • #3
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Interesting, thanks for letting us know!
Jul 25, 2023  • #4
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