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Ryan Kuharske's profile on

First of all I've been using displayfusion for between one and two years (can't really remember how long) and I absolutely love it.

I just noticed the Mouse wrapping features available in the Window Management section of the settings the other day and have been using them regularly.

I have three monitors active: the left monitor is my laptop monitor and the middle and right are two 22" external monitors connected to the laptop. Since the top of the laptop screen sits about half-way up the external monitor next to it, I've setup my monitors in the Windows settings so that the laptop monitor is aligned the same to Windows as it is physically aligned.

With "Prevent mouse cursor from snagging on unaligned monitor edges" enabled, the mouse predictably moves from the upper-left corner of my middle 22" monitor down to my laptop screen when it is near the edge. I was finding this somewhat annoying as when I move the mouse cursor back to the middle 22" monitor, it enters the monitor at the middle of the screen, not back up where it moved off the screen (which again, I would expect since the monitors are unaligned).

Okay, so no big deal, I just disabled the unaligned monitors setting. Where the issue lies is that I also have the "Wrap mouse cursor around left/right monitor edges" enabled. With this enabled and the unaligned monitor edges setting disabled, if I move my mouse cursor to the upper-left edge of my middle 22" monitor where it's unaligned with the laptop monitor, displayfusion recognizes that as a monitor edge and wraps the mouse over to the upper-right corner of my right 22" monitor (see the red arrows in the attached image).

If I then move the mouse cursor toward the right edge of the right 22" monitor, it then wraps the mouse cursor around to the left edge of the laptop screen (see yellow arrows in attached image).

It's a fairly minor nitpick but it can be annoying as I then have to drag the mouse across two 22" monitors back to the upper-left edge of my middle monitor to continue what I was doing.

Ideally, in this situation, where the left/right edge wrapping is enabled but the unaligned monitor edges is disabled, I'd like to have it treat that upper-left edge of the middle 22" monitor like normal and just stop the mouse. I'm not sure if this is by design or not, which is why I say it's an "issue" in quotation marks. :laugh:

• Attachment: Mouse wrapping issue.png [122,016 bytes]
Mouse wrapping issue.png
Mouse wrapping issue.png
Apr 4, 2014  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Glad to hear you like DisplayFusion! You make a good point here, and we'll discuss it here to see what we should do. At first glance, your suggestion is good, but we just need to make sure it will work for every scenario we can think of :)
Apr 4, 2014  • #2
Ryan Kuharske's profile on
Yeah absolutely. The one idea I was thinking of is to add a sub-setting to the left/right wrap setting so the user could choose if they want it to wrap on unaligned edges or block it like normal.

I appreciate the quick response!
Apr 4, 2014  • #3
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