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Maxim Hallenfors505772
2 discussion posts
Hi, I´ve been using the mouse wrapper function now so that I can arrange my three physical monitors differently than how they are represented in windows. I love it!

What I haven´t figured out if it already exists or if it´s even possible is that I want my cursor to be able to wrap around only certain edges, and not on others.

As illustrated in the pictures, I want the mouse to be able to wrap/cross between the monitors with green arrows and for the cursor to stop where the red wall is.

• Attachment [protected]: wrap.png [8,988 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: wrap2.png [7,463 bytes]
Dec 4, 2015  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
It's not currently possible to setup custom mouse wrapping co-ordinates. However, would you be able to provide some more details on why you have the Windows monitor configuration setup differently than the physical configuration? Just wondering if there's a deeper issue that needs to be solved instead :)
Dec 4, 2015  • #2
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Maxim Hallenfors505772
2 discussion posts
Okay, I´ll just have to live without it for the moment!

The reason I have to arrange my monitors this way is because my primary monitor is the the one physically in the middle. And when I use fullscreen applications such as games like Counter-Strike where I prefer to play on lower than native resolution all the windows etc that are open on the right side monitor shifts position and scaling.

The only way to solve this problem in windows that I have found seems to be to have the Primary monitor located on the most far right side, because all the monitors on the left doesn´t get affected by any sort of scaling issue etc. So I have my primary monitor located on the farthest right side in windows, but in the middle at my physical desk. Then ofc use the mouse wrapping to be able to go between the displays seemlesly!
Dec 4, 2015  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ah ok, gotcha! If we're able to add custom mouse wrapping co-ordinates in a future version, we'll be sure to let you know :)

Dec 4, 2015  • #4
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