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Zach Coggin
3 discussion posts
It was working perfectly until I reinstalled Windows last night. Now it's not.

I have four physical monitors; three identical 24" ones linked together with nVidia Surround into one logical 5760x1080 monitor, and a 46" 1080p TV as an extra. DisplayFusion is set to automatically detect NVSurround and set monitor-splitting accordingly, and it works for wallpapers.

Before, clicking the "move to next window" button on a window would cycle the window through all four screens in order, left to right.

Now, this function seems to be ignoring DF's monitor splitting profile and treating the NVSurround screens as a single monitor for movement purposes--clicking the button in a window on the TV sends it to the left-most NVSurround screen, and clicking it in a window on any of the NVSurround screens sends it to the TV only.
• Attachment [protected]: DSCN0049.JPG [5,487,343 bytes]
Dec 27, 2014  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Strange! I've just tested this out here and couldn't reproduce it. Can you check the Windows Task Manager to see if there are any processes running called "nvsmartmaxapp?"
Dec 30, 2014  • #2
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Zach Coggin
3 discussion posts
I told DF to disable the NV processes when it asked, and sure enough, they're not running. Taskmgr screencap attached.
• Attachment [protected]: dftaskmanager.png [69,351 bytes]
Dec 30, 2014  • #3
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Zach Coggin
3 discussion posts
Ah, I figured it out. I had Window Management disabled in the monitor configuration. :/
Dec 31, 2014  • #4
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ah, that'll do it! Glad to hear that you were able to get it sorted :)
Dec 31, 2014  • #5
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