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Allen Campbell
1 discussion post
I have dual displays.
When I have a window sized 50% of the width of a given monitor, and do a "Move Window To Next Monitor" via a title bar button, I want it to land on the inside of the next monitor.
99% of the time NEVER want it to go to the outside of the monitor I'm moving it to.

Can you help me?
Feb 3, 2016  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
So if it's on the left monitor, you want it to go to the left side of the right monitor, and if it's on the right monitor, it should go to the right side of the left monitor? This should be possible with a Scripted Function. Let me know if that sounds right and I'll do up an example.

Feb 3, 2016  • #2
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