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Trigger rules can be used to position multiple applications, but they can also be used to position multiple instances of the same application. In this example, we'll show you how to configure Trigger rules for two specific folders in File Explorer.
These directions are for applications with unique window titles.
  • Open the applications and position the windows.
    Two Windows
  • Right-click the DisplayFusion icon and click "Settings."
    Tray Menu - Settings
  • From the Settings menu, now click the "Triggers" tab.
  • Ensure the "Enable Triggers" checkbox is enabled.
    Enable Triggers
  • Click "Add."
    Add Trigger
  • Enable the "Process Filename" checkbox. From the pop-up selection window, double-click your application or select it and click "OK."
  • Process Filename
    Select Application
  • Enable the "Window Text" checkbox.
    Window Text
  • Drag the blue target onto the application window.
  • Drag Blue Target
    You'll now see the window title in the Window Text text field.
    Window Title
    Alternatively, you can type in the name of the window title.
  • Below the Actions pane, click "Add," then select "Move Window to Specific Size and Location."
  • Actions Add
    Move to Location
  • Drag the blue target onto the application window, and click "OK."
  • Drag Blue Target
  • Click "OK" to save the Trigger.
  • Repeat the above steps for the additional windows.
  • Click "OK" from the main Settings menu to save and apply your changes.
Jun 11, 2019 (modified Aug 15, 2022)  • #1
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