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Dan C1
16 discussion posts
Whenever I have a window that spans more than one monitor and I then use Display Fusion to move the window to another monitor or shift it to the center of the monitor or pin it to a monitor margin, the width of the window is reset to the width of one monitor. The movement occurs correctly, but Display Fusion always resets the width to the full width of the monitor to which I am moving the window. Display Fusion does not reset the window height, only the width.

If I invoke the Windows 7 built-in "move window next/previous" functionality by using the Windows+Shift+Right/Left cursor key combination, the window width is not reset when the window being moved spans more than one monitor.

Is this a bug or a feature in Display Fusion. If it is a feature, it certainly would be nice to have Display Fusion move the window without resetting the width.
Apr 21, 2013  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
It is actually designed that way, but we have an open feature request for an Advanced Setting that would allow you to disable that functionality.

I've added your info to that feature request, so we'll be sure to let you know if/when we're able to implement it.

Apr 23, 2013  • #2
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Dan C1
16 discussion posts
Having an advanced feature setting for this would be great. I use a 4 monitor setup where being able to move a window spanning more than one monitor without the window being resized is functionality I need every day, particularly with spreadsheets. Thanks.
Apr 23, 2013  • #3
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