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User Image
1 discussion post
First I'd like to say this is a great program, and I'm impressed with the support that is provided.

I have recently started using the Pro version, and have installed the update to 3.0.3. When setting DF to use a different image on each monitor, the image is showing on the opposite display. The setup screen shows it in the correct position, but when applying it, monitor 1 shows the image for monitor 2 and vise versa. The image also maintains the resolution for the monitor it is intended to be on. I hope the image below clarifies and questions I may have left open. I'm also including the info from the troubleshooting section. Please let me know if I can provide any additional information. Thank you

--- Machine ------------
Operating System: Microsoft Windows NT 6.0.6001 Service Pack 1
Operating System Version: 6.0.6001.65536
Detected Version: WindowsVista / 2008
CPU: x86
Date/Time (UTC): 04/15/2009 17:57:18
Date/Time (Local): 04/15/2009 13:57:18
.NET Framework: 2.0.50727.3074
CurrentCulture: English (United States) (en-US ~ en)
CurrentUICulture: English (United States) (en-US ~ en)

--- Wallpaper ------------
Wallpaper Span: False
Monitor #1 Image: C:\Users\Darrell\Desktop\Darrell's Pics\wallpapers\web2.jpg
Monitor #2 Image: C:\Users\Darrell\Desktop\Darrell's Pics\wallpapers\web.jpg

--- DisplayFusion ------------
Name: DisplayFusion Pro v3.0.3
Pro: True
Pro License: 101-LYDW-692A (truncated)
Command Line: "D:\Setup Files\Display Fusion\DisplayFusion.exe"
Current Folder: D:\Setup Files\Display Fusion

--- DisplayFusion x86 Hook DLL ------------
Path: D:\Setup Files\Display Fusion\DisplayFusionHookx86.dll
Name: DisplayFusion Hook
Prod Version: 1, 2, 0, 0
File Version: 1, 2, 0, 0
Size: 47,792 bytes

--- DisplayFusion x64 Hook DLL ------------
Path: D:\Setup Files\Display Fusion\DisplayFusionHookx64.dll
Name: DisplayFusion Hook
Prod Version: 1, 2, 0, 0
File Version: 1, 2, 0, 0
Size: 47,280 bytes

--- Screens ------------
Count: 2
Point Min X: -1280
Point Min Y: 0
Point Max X: 1680
Point Max Y: 1050
Total Width: 2960
Total Height: 1050
ActiveDesktop: False

--- Screen 1------------
ScreenID: 0
Location: 0 x 0
Size: 1680 x 1050
MoveH: 0
MoveV: 0

--- Screen 2------------
ScreenID: 1
Location: -1280 x 160
Size: 1280 x 768
MoveH: 0
MoveV: 0

--- Managed Threads ------------
Count: 0

--- Taskbars ------------
Enabled: False
Auto-hide: False
Visual Styles: False
Visual Styles Detected: True
Opacity: 100
Window Options: ShowRelevant
Count: 0

--- Taskbar Buttons ------------
Count: 9
"Yahoo! Messenger" (00260b1e:00260b1e ~ None)
"Untitled - Notepad" (000b044a:000b044a ~ None)
"DisplayFusion Pro ~ Desktop Wallpaper" (00090bcc:00090bcc ~ None)
"DisplayFusion Debugging - Windows Internet Explorer" (0008063e:0008063e ~ None)
"Personalization" (000a0b96:000a0b96 ~ None)
"Display Settings" (00090426:00090426 ~ None)
"Untitled - Paint" (00160cf6:00160cf6 ~ None)
"Document1 - Microsoft Word" (001a08ca:001a08ca ~ None)
"DisplayFusion Pro ~ Settings" (00590c52:00590c52 ~ None)
• Attachment: screenshot.JPG [282,853 bytes]
Apr 15, 2009  • #1
User Image
3 discussion posts
Sorry to Necro this thread, but I don't know if there are actually newer threads for this issue or not. I figured it wouldn't be worth making a new thread since the issue had been addressed before, here.

I'm actually having similar problems to Acewannabe. I'm not at home, so I can't post my exact computer specs yet. (I can update it in a few days when I bring my box back home and get it hooked back up...)
Basically, I'm running a three monitor setup. When the 3 different wallpapers are applied, they look okay at first, on preview, but they will not actually show up correctly on the monitors. The wallpapers are shifted one monitor over. The strange thing is that since my taskbar is half-transparent, (I'm just running the transparency through the latest version of Vista, not some other program) under the transparency it shows the "correct" wallpaper for that monitor, while the rest of the monitor shows the wallpaper that I had applied to the monitor next to it. Even if I stretch up my taskbar, I start to see more and more of the wallpaper that is wholely displayed on the next monitor over, if that makes sense.

As a side question, if I license DisplayFusion, the license is good for all future versions, correct? Basically, I can always update to the latest version, and still use the Pro version, right? It seems to be the case from what others said when they said they updated, but I wasn't sure if it was for all future versions or some length of time afterwards. (I know some companies only allow the license to be used on their program for that version, only. (e.g. a 1.xx license is good up until 1.99, not a 2.0 & up version.)) I just wish I hadn't missed the sale date for the license. I didn't know about it. :cry:
Jan 8, 2010  • #2
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Shisako: Can you post the information from the Troubleshooting tab so I can see how your machine is setup? As for the licensing, once you purchase a DisplayFusion Pro license you are covered for all future versions as well. :)
Jan 11, 2010  • #3
User Image
3 discussion posts
Here is the information from the Troubleshooting tab. (Sorry for the slow reply. I was out of town for a bit, then didn't come back for a few days afterward. In the meantime, I reinstalled Vista for S's and G's.)

--- Machine ------------
Operating System: Microsoft Windows NT 6.0.6002 Service Pack 2
Operating System Version: 6.0.6002.131072
Detected Version: WindowsVista / 2008
CPU: x64
Date/Time (UTC): 01/24/2010 13:12:02
Date/Time (Local): 01/24/2010 07:12:02
.NET Framework: 2.0.50727.4016
CurrentCulture: English (United States) (en-US ~ en)
CurrentUICulture: English (United States) (en-US ~ en)

--- Wallpaper ------------
Wallpaper Span: False
Monitor #1 Image: E:\Wallpapers 1680X1050\1251939722873.jpg (Exists: True)
Monitor #2 Image: E:\Wallpapers 1680X1050\1215102142275.jpg (Exists: True)
Monitor #3 Image: E:\Wallpapers 1680X1050\1228602463642.jpg (Exists: True)
Windows Wallpaper: C:\Users\Shisako\AppData\Roaming\DisplayFusion\Wallpaper_2.jpg (Exists: True)
Generated Wallpaper Folder: C:\Users\Shisako\AppData\Roaming\DisplayFusion

--- DisplayFusion ------------
Name: DisplayFusion v3.1.6
Build Date: Dec 09, 2009 14:31
Pro: False
Pro License: None
Command Line: "D:\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusion.exe"
Current Folder: D:\DisplayFusion
Performance Mode: False
Application Hooks: True
System Hooks Pause FullScreen: True
Process Integrity Level: Medium
Font Scaling: 1

--- DisplayFusion x86 Hook DLL ------------
Path: D:\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionHookx86.dll
Name: DisplayFusion Hook
Prod Version: 2, 4, 0, 0
File Version: 2, 4, 0, 0
Size: 48,304 bytes

--- DisplayFusion x64 Hook DLL ------------
Path: D:\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionHookx64.dll
Name: DisplayFusion Hook
Prod Version: 2, 4, 0, 0
File Version: 2, 4, 0, 0
Size: 46,768 bytes

--- DisplayFusion x86 Hook Exe ------------
Path: D:\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionHookx86.exe
Name: DisplayFusion Hook x86
Prod Version: 1, 6, 0, 0
File Version: 1, 6, 0, 0
Size: 92,848 bytes

--- Monitor 1 (Primary:False ~ Real:True) ------------
Name: \\.\DISPLAY1
Bounds: {X=-1680,Y=0,Width=1680,Height=1050}
WorkArea: {X=-1680,Y=0,Width=1680,Height=1020}

--- Monitor 2 (Primary:True ~ Real:True) ------------
Name: \\.\DISPLAY3
Bounds: {X=0,Y=0,Width=1680,Height=1050}
WorkArea: {X=0,Y=0,Width=1680,Height=1050}

--- Monitor 3 (Primary:False ~ Real:True) ------------
Name: \\.\DISPLAY5
Bounds: {X=1680,Y=0,Width=1680,Height=1050}
WorkArea: {X=1680,Y=0,Width=1680,Height=1050}

--- Screens ------------
Count: 3
Point Min X: -1680
Point Min Y: 0
Point Max X: 3360
Point Max Y: 1050
Total Width: 5040
Total Height: 1050
ActiveDesktop: False

--- Screen 1------------
ScreenID: 0
Device: \\.\DISPLAY1
Bounds: {X=-1680,Y=0,Width=1680,Height=1050}
MoveH: 0
MoveV: 0

--- Screen 2------------
ScreenID: 1
Device: \\.\DISPLAY3
Bounds: {X=0,Y=0,Width=1680,Height=1050}
MoveH: 0
MoveV: 0

--- Screen 3------------
ScreenID: 2
Device: \\.\DISPLAY5
Bounds: {X=1680,Y=0,Width=1680,Height=1050}
MoveH: 0
MoveV: 0

--- Managed Threads ------------
Count: 4
ID:61 ~ Name:HookManager ~ Age:00:10:02.5254000 ~ Alive:True ~ BG:True ~ State:Background ~ Thread Name:HookManager_4c172e87-79a1-4d92-ae09-ab44acf4b48f
ID:84 ~ Name:HookManagerProcess ~ Age:00:10:02.5254000 ~ Alive:True ~ BG:True ~ State:Background ~ Thread Name:HookManagerProcess_dce7bb28-0731-43eb-8de0-c1bfbf075687
ID:80 ~ Name:TitleBarManager ~ Age:00:00:18.4860000 ~ Alive:True ~ BG:True ~ State:Background ~ Thread Name:TitleBarManager_e7aed71f-5942-4573-8a90-3283bf4dbd0a
ID:49 ~ Name:Hook:LButtonDown ~ Age:00:00:00.0156000 ~ Alive:True ~ BG:True ~ State:Background ~ Thread Name:Hook:LButtonDown_54f4062b-b7ab-49d9-8489-91281461e5e8

--- FullScreen Applications ------------

--- Taskbars ------------
Enabled: False
Auto-hide: False
Visual Styles: True
Visual Styles Detected: True
DWM Composition Detected: False
Opacity: 100
Flash Blink: False
Middle-Click Open: True
Window Options: ShowRelevant
Button Width Max: 160
Button Icon Size: 16
Sizing Bar Size: 0
TaskbarManager: null

--- Taskbar Items ------------
"DisplayFusion ~ Settings" (003f00d6:003f00d6:003f00d6 ~ None ~ {X=436,Y=251,Width=807,Height=547})
"DisplayFusion ~ Desktop Wallpaper" (001c05ac:001c05ac:001c05ac ~ None ~ {X=276,Y=422,Width=815,Height=595})
"Multi-monitor showing image reversed - Mozilla Firefox" (000e00f2:000e00f2:000e00f2 ~ None ~ {X=-1680,Y=0,Width=1242,Height=1021})

--- TitleBar Buttons ------------
Enabled: True
DisplayFusion Caption Button Size: {Width=32, Height=19}
System Caption Button Size: {Width=32, Height=19}
Count: 3
"DisplayFusion ~ Desktop Wallpaper" (001c05ac ~ {X=276,Y=422,Width=815,Height=595} ~ {X=1009,Y=427,Width=28,Height=15} ~ Visible:False ~ Process:x64 ~ None)
"Multi-monitor showing image reversed - Mozilla Firefox" (000e00f2 ~ {X=-1680,Y=0,Width=1242,Height=1021} ~ {X=-588,Y=10,Width=28,Height=15} ~ Visible:True ~ Process:x86 ~ None)
"DisplayFusion ~ Settings" (003f00d6 ~ {X=436,Y=251,Width=807,Height=547} ~ {X=1161,Y=256,Width=28,Height=15} ~ Visible:True ~ Process:x64 ~ None)

Basically, the screens are shifted when the middle screen is made primary.
here is a screenshot of what I see in that case, if you want to see:
Basically the wallpapers start with the primary screen, it seems. But the left screen is not always the primary.
(Yes, all of my icons and taskbar are on the left screen, but my middle screen is primary so games and applications open on the middle monitor.)

However, if my left monitor is made primary, the wallpapers display correctly as shown in the Display fusion window (Red, blue, then Green, from left to right.)
If there's something in Display fusion to set this, I didn't see it.
The order isn't really a problem, per se. But Windows thinks that the wallpapers are set up the way it is shown in the Display Fusion window, but the transparent taskbar on the left monitor shows the right wallpaper in the taskbar. That is, on the left monitor, the background is green when it should be red, but in transparent taskbar, the blue is shown.

The taskbar is transparent through Windows Vista Aero, so it could be the issue there, and not Display Fusion at all. but I don't know if there's a fix for that. Thank you so much ahead of time.
Jan 24, 2010  • #4
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Can you give this new beta a try:

Once you have the new beta installed, can you post the troubleshooting information from it?

As for the taskbar translucency image, unfortunately that is a bug in Vista. This bug has been corrected in Windows 7 so you may need to upgrade if it's a problem. :)
Jan 26, 2010  • #5
User Image
3 discussion posts
It's okay about both issues, really. I don't mind which monitor an image displays on. I can just move which image I choose for each monitor over one to correct. So it's not like I can't compensate for it. =)

My only real concern was the translucency of the taskbar, which is Vista, you say. I won't upgrade from Vista yet to Win 7 (at least not until I have a job) so until then, I can probably just use a 3rd party taskbar program like I have before. I don't know if any programs for it fix that issue, but we'll see. =)

Anyway, thank you so much for your help!

Okay. I just tried the new beta, and it corrected the cross-monitor image problem. Thank you! Off to find a hack taskbar program. maybe I can find some good effects for it like what I see is corrected in the beta updates. ^_~ Thank you! Here's the new output info, if you're interested, though!

***** Machine **********************************************
Operating System: Microsoft Windows NT 6.0.6002 Service Pack 2
Operating System Version: 6.0.6002.131072
Detected Version: WindowsVista / 2008
CPU: x64
Date/Time (UTC): 01/27/2010 08:43:00
Date/Time (Local): 01/27/2010 02:43:00
.NET Framework: 2.0.50727.4200
CurrentCulture: English (United States) (en-US ~ en)
CurrentUICulture: English (United States) (en-US ~ en)

***** Wallpaper ********************************************
Active Desktop: False
Wallpaper Span: False
Monitor #1 Image: E:\Wallpapers 1680X1050\0002-1250870297565.png (Exists: True)
Monitor #2 Image: E:\Wallpapers 1680X1050\0003-1250870381184.jpg (Exists: True)
Monitor #3 Image: E:\Wallpapers 1680X1050\0005-1250870478648.png (Exists: True)
Windows Wallpaper: C:\Users\Shisako\AppData\Roaming\DisplayFusion\Wallpaper_1.jpg (Exists: True)
Generated Wallpaper Folder: C:\Users\Shisako\AppData\Roaming\DisplayFusion

***** DisplayFusion ****************************************
Name: DisplayFusion v3.1.7
Build Date: Jan 26, 2010 09:50
Pro: False
Pro License: None
Command Line: "D:\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusion.exe"
Current Folder: D:\DisplayFusion
Performance Mode: False
Application Hooks: True
System Hooks Pause FullScreen: True
Process Integrity Level: Medium
Font Scaling: 1

***** Themes ***********************************************
Visual Styles: True
Visual Styles Detected: True
DWM Composition Detected: True
Filename: C:\Windows\resources\themes\Aero\Aero.msstyles
Colour: NormalColor
Size: NormalSize
File: --
Bitmap File: --

***** DisplayFusion x86 Hook DLL ***************************
Path: D:\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionHookx86.dll
Name: DisplayFusion Hook
Prod Version: 2, 4, 0, 0
File Version: 2, 4, 0, 0
Size: 48,304 bytes

***** DisplayFusion x64 Hook DLL ***************************
Path: D:\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionHookx64.dll
Name: DisplayFusion Hook
Prod Version: 2, 4, 0, 0
File Version: 2, 4, 0, 0
Size: 46,768 bytes

***** DisplayFusion x86 Hook Exe ***************************
Path: D:\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionHookx86.exe
Name: DisplayFusion Hook x86
Prod Version: 1, 8, 0, 0
File Version: 1, 8, 0, 0
Size: 92,848 bytes

***** Monitor 1 (Primary:False ~ Real:True) ****************
Name: \\.\DISPLAY1
Bounds: {X=-1680,Y=0,Width=1680,Height=1050}
WorkArea: {X=-1680,Y=0,Width=1680,Height=1020}

***** Monitor 2 (Primary:True ~ Real:True) *****************
Name: \\.\DISPLAY3
Bounds: {X=0,Y=0,Width=1680,Height=1050}
WorkArea: {X=0,Y=0,Width=1680,Height=1050}

***** Monitor 3 (Primary:False ~ Real:True) ****************
Name: \\.\DISPLAY5
Bounds: {X=1680,Y=0,Width=1680,Height=1050}
WorkArea: {X=1680,Y=0,Width=1680,Height=1050}

***** Monitors by Bounds ***********************************
1, 2, 3
Force Order: None

***** Screens **********************************************
Count: 3
Point Min X: -1680
Point Min Y: 0
Point Max X: 3360
Point Max Y: 1050
Total Width: 5040
Total Height: 1050
ActiveDesktop: False

***** Screen 1 *********************************************
ScreenID: 0
Device: \\.\DISPLAY1
Bounds: {X=-1680,Y=0,Width=1680,Height=1050}
MoveH: 0
MoveV: 0

***** Screen 2 *********************************************
ScreenID: 1
Device: \\.\DISPLAY3
Bounds: {X=0,Y=0,Width=1680,Height=1050}
MoveH: 0
MoveV: 0

***** Screen 3 *********************************************
ScreenID: 2
Device: \\.\DISPLAY5
Bounds: {X=1680,Y=0,Width=1680,Height=1050}
MoveH: 0
MoveV: 0

***** Managed Threads **************************************
Count: 4
ID:3 ~ Name:TitleBarManager ~ Age:00:01:42.9630000 ~ Alive:True ~ BG:True ~ State:Background ~ Thread Name:TitleBarManager_8a8bb19a-2afe-40bd-9c3d-4cfc2b134809
ID:4 ~ Name:HookManager ~ Age:00:01:42.9570000 ~ Alive:True ~ BG:True ~ State:Background ~ Thread Name:HookManager_b19e4244-228e-4843-9dd8-459859a4af87
ID:5 ~ Name:HookManagerProcess ~ Age:00:01:42.8520000 ~ Alive:True ~ BG:True ~ State:Background ~ Thread Name:HookManagerProcess_2514aab2-c5a2-49dd-8741-db2bdece7497
ID:6 ~ Name:Hook:LButtonDown ~ Age:00:00:00.3180000 ~ Alive:True ~ BG:True ~ State:Background ~ Thread Name:Hook:LButtonDown_c771eca6-4100-4f35-ab43-eb0b94055992

***** FullScreen Applications ******************************

***** Compatibility ****************************************

***** Taskbars *********************************************
Enabled: False
Auto-hide: False
Opacity: 100
Flash Blink: False
Thumbnail Preview: True
Thumbnail Preview Animations: True
Middle-Click Open: True
Window Options: ShowRelevant
Sizing Bar Size: 0
Button Width Max: 160
Button Width Override: 0
Button Icon Size: 16
Colour Tracking Override: None
TaskbarManager: null

***** Taskbar Items ****************************************
"DisplayFusion ~ Settings" (00bd07f6:00bd07f6:00bd07f6 ~ None ~ {X=-1244,Y=216,Width=807,Height=587})
"DisplayFusion ~ Desktop Wallpaper" (000805a2:000805a2:000805a2 ~ None ~ {X=-1276,Y=168,Width=871,Height=683})
"Multi-monitor showing image reversed - Mozilla Firefox" (00390942:00390942:00390942 ~ None ~ {X=-1688,Y=-8,Width=1696,Height=1036})
"Cosplay-chan Con (manga_mobile)" (00040b3e:00040b3e:00040b3e ~ None ~ {X=50,Y=520,Width=480,Height=500})
"Belcan Jobs in Peoria, Illinois(IL) | Juju Job Search - Mozilla Firefox" (000806fe:000806fe:000806fe ~ None ~ {X=-1680,Y=0,Width=1242,Height=630})
"Funtasma Gogo 50 - Black Patent - Free Shipping & Return Shipping - - Mozilla Firefox" (00800862:00800862:00800862 ~ None ~ {X=0,Y=0,Width=1680,Height=1050})
"REIKA - [わんことくらそう オリジナルサウンドトラック+ CD1 #01] キミとボクとのセカイ [foobar2000 v1.0]" (00010676:00010676:00010676 ~ None ~ {X=1680,Y=0,Width=1680,Height=1050})
"World of Warcraft" (004b0818:004b0818:004b0818 ~ None ~ {X=24,Y=2,Width=1632,Height=1046})
"STEAM - Bokutou" (00090d80:00090d80:00090d80 ~ None ~ {X=0,Y=0,Width=1680,Height=1020})

***** TitleBar Buttons *************************************
Enabled: True
DisplayFusion Caption Button Size: {Width=28, Height=15}
System Caption Button Size: {Width=32, Height=19}
Detected Caption Button Size: {Width=28, Height=15}
Custom Background: None

***** TitleBar Button Windows (8) **************************
"Cosplay-chan Con (manga_mobile)" ~ 0x00040b3e ~ {X=-32000,Y=-32000,Width=160,Height=25} ~ {X=-31971,Y=-31918,Width=29,Height=18} ~ Visible:True ~ Process:x86 ~ None ~ "D:\Messenger\YahooMessenger.exe"
"Belcan Jobs in Peoria, Illinois(IL) | Juju Job Search - Mozilla Firefox" ~ 0x000806fe ~ {X=-32000,Y=-32000,Width=160,Height=25} ~ {X=-31984,Y=-31999,Width=29,Height=18} ~ Visible:True ~ Process:x86 ~ None ~ "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"
"Funtasma Gogo 50 - Black Patent - Free Shipping & Return Shipping - - Mozilla Firefox" ~ 0x00800862 ~ {X=-32000,Y=-32000,Width=160,Height=25} ~ {X=-31984,Y=-31999,Width=29,Height=18} ~ Visible:True ~ Process:x86 ~ None ~ "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"
"REIKA - [わんことくらそう オリジナルサウンドトラック+ CD1 #01] キミとボクとのセカイ [foobar2000 v1.0]" ~ 0x00010676 ~ {X=-32000,Y=-32000,Width=160,Height=25} ~ {X=-31984,Y=-31999,Width=29,Height=18} ~ Visible:True ~ Process:x86 ~ None ~ "D:\foobar2000\foobar2000.exe"
"World of Warcraft" ~ 0x004b0818 ~ {X=-32000,Y=-32000,Width=160,Height=25} ~ {X=-31984,Y=-31999,Width=29,Height=18} ~ Visible:True ~ Process:Error - Access is denied ~ None ~ "Unknown"
"Multi-monitor showing image reversed - Mozilla Firefox" ~ 0x00390942 ~ {X=-1688,Y=-8,Width=1696,Height=1036} ~ {X=-140,Y=-1,Width=29,Height=18} ~ Visible:True ~ Process:x86 ~ None ~ "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"
"DisplayFusion ~ Desktop Wallpaper" ~ 0x000805a2 ~ {X=-1281,Y=163,Width=881,Height=693} ~ {X=-498,Y=164,Width=29,Height=18} ~ Visible:True ~ Process:x64 ~ None ~ "D:\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusion.exe"
"DisplayFusion ~ Settings" ~ 0x00bd07f6 ~ {X=-1249,Y=211,Width=817,Height=597} ~ {X=-530,Y=212,Width=29,Height=18} ~ Visible:True ~ Process:x64 ~ None ~ "D:\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusion.exe"

***** HotKeys **********************************************
"Move window to next monitor" ~ CTRL;WIN;88 ~ Windows Aero\Next Monitor.png
"Move window to centre of monitor" ~ CTRL;WIN;81 ~
"Move window to centre of monitor and size to 75%" ~ CTRL;WIN;83 ~
"Move window to next monitor and maximize" ~ CTRL;WIN;65 ~
"Move window to next monitor and size proportionally" ~ CTRL;WIN;90 ~
"Move window to previous monitor" ~ CTRL;WIN;87 ~
"Move window to previous monitor and maximize" ~ CTRL;WIN;69 ~
"Move window to previous monitor and size proportionally" ~ CTRL;WIN;68 ~
"Next random wallpaper image (Pro only)" ~ CTRL;WIN;82 ~
"Size and move window to bottom side of monitor" ~ CTRL;WIN;40 ~
"Size and move window to left side of monitor" ~ CTRL;WIN;37 ~
"Size and move window to right side of monitor" ~ CTRL;WIN;39 ~
"Size and move window to top side of monitor" ~ CTRL;WIN;38 ~
"Span window across all monitors" ~ CTRL;WIN;192 ~
"Toggle HotKeys" ~ * ~
"Toggle Multi-Monitor Taskbar (Pro only)" ~ * ~
"Toggle TitleBar Buttons" ~ * ~
Jan 27, 2010  • #6
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
In an effort to cleanup the DisplayFusion forum, this topic is being locked and archived because it applies to an older version of DisplayFusion. If you are using the latest version of DisplayFusion and would still like some assistance, please create a new topic and I'll be happy to help you out. There are also beta versions available for testing the latest features and bug fixes:

Thanks! :)
Apr 13, 2010  • #7
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