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22 discussion posts
Hi there,

I'm using multi-monitor taskbars, and have the very annoying problem that every so often, seemingly arbitrarily, the taskbars on the non-main displays get stuck behind any open application windows (see attached image). I have, so far, not been able to determine what is triggering this behavior, and have found that restarting DF is the only solution. Once I restart, everything runs as expected.

I'm currently using DF 10.0 Beta 16 (but have also had this problem with previous versions) on Windows 7 SP1 7601. Any and all advice is very much appreciated.


• Attachment: pic01.jpg [53,824 bytes]
Nov 24, 2022  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on

Are you running any other third party taskbar software?

Nov 24, 2022  • #2
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22 discussion posts
Thanks for the prompt reply, Owen. No, as far as I'm aware I'm not running any third party taskbar software.
Nov 24, 2022  • #3
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Okay strange, I'll play around with this on my end and see if I can reproduce it. Does it only happen with specific applications? Does it only happen on split monitors as well?

Nov 25, 2022  • #4
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22 discussion posts
Thanks again for the quick response... As far as I have been able to ascertain this behavior happens arbitrarily, and I haven't found a connection to any specific application. As for your second questions, I've never used split monitors, so can't answer that. Once the behavior kicks in, it is the same on all 3 non-main displays (until I restart DF).
Nov 26, 2022  • #5
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
When the issue happens, if you restart Windows Explorer via task manager, rather then DisplayFusion, does that fix it up?

Nov 28, 2022  • #6
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22 discussion posts
When the issue happens, if you restart Windows Explorer via task manager, rather then DisplayFusion, does that fix it up?


Next time it happens, I'll give that a shot and report back with the results... Stay tuned!
Nov 28, 2022  • #7
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22 discussion posts
When the issue happens, if you restart Windows Explorer via task manager, rather then DisplayFusion, does that fix it up?


Going to revive this thread... Had the same issue happen just now, exited and restarted explorer, and it did not fix the problem. Exited and restarted DF, and all works as expected.
Mar 13, 2023  • #8
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Could you send me a copy of your troubleshooting info? Here are the steps:
  • Open the Settings > Troubleshooting tab
  • Click the "Export Info to File" button
  • Reply with the file attached

Also to confirm again, you aren't running Start11 or StartAllBack?
Mar 14, 2023  • #9
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22 discussion posts
DebugInfo is attached. No Start11 or StartAllBlack here. Thanks much for the prompt reply, Owen!

• Attachment [protected]: [42,932 bytes]
Mar 15, 2023  • #10
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for sending that over. Could you update to our latest beta, and turn on the "Enable Prompt to Restart Explorer when Issue Detected" advanced setting? We put it in to deal with windows that drop behind the taskbar, I'm curious if it will fix this up as well.
Mar 15, 2023  • #11
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22 discussion posts
I can give it a try, but will this run on Windows 7 (SP1 7601)? The System requirements for Beta 22 say Windows 10 and 11.
Mar 15, 2023  • #12
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Ah nope, you'll want to stay on your version. Could you send me over a debug log? Here are the steps:

  • On the DisplayFusion Settings > Troubleshooting tab, change the Logging drop-down to "L1: Log Minimal" and click Apply
  • Reproduce the issue and note the time so we'll know where to check in the log file
  • Click the "Export Info to File" button on the Settings > Troubleshooting tab
  • Reply with the file attached
  • Disable debug logging after sending the log
Mar 16, 2023  • #13
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22 discussion posts
Ah nope, you'll want to stay on your version. Could you send me over a debug log? Here are the steps:

Hi, Owen... I've attached the debug log to this message. The issue happened on 04/08/2023 at 14:57. Not sure if I did this correctly. I rebooted DF and THEN exported the debug log. Should I have exported BEFORE rebooting?

• Attachment [protected]: [130,553 bytes]
Apr 8, 2023  • #14
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Yeah I'll need the log before the reboot. Can you clear it, and follow those steps again?

Apr 10, 2023  • #15
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22 discussion posts
Hey, Owen... Latest debug log is attached to this post. Same issue happened on 05/22/2023 at around 00:40. Hopefully this will help track down the culprit.

Much appreciate you looking into this!
• Attachment [protected]: [113,175 bytes]
May 22, 2023  • #16
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for sending that over. Can you update to our latest beta and let me know if the issue persists? Here's the link:

We've made some adjustments so it should work with Windows 7, and has some fixes for that version as well.
May 23, 2023  • #17
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Downloaded and installed v10.1, Beta 3. So far, so good. I'll report back if the issue returns.

Thanks much, Owen!
May 25, 2023  • #18
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22 discussion posts
Nope... Same thing happened just now. I'm attaching current debug log.

Here's something I noticed, when I clicked the DF icon on the taskbar to open DF (to export the debug log), as the splash screen came up, the taskbar temporarily went INFRONT of the open windows. A few seconds into the splash screen, but before the splash screen closed, the taskbar went BEHIND the open windows again.

• Attachment [protected]: [184,580 bytes]
May 26, 2023  • #19
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
If you enable the "Enable Prompt to Restart Explorer when Issue Detected" advanced setting, do you get a prompt to restart explorer when the issue happens?
May 26, 2023  • #20
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22 discussion posts
If you enable the "Enable Prompt to Restart Explorer when Issue Detected" advanced setting, do you get a prompt to restart explorer when the issue happens?

I enabled it... Will report back.
May 27, 2023  • #21
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John Blanchard
4 discussion posts
not sure if i can piggyback off of this thread but im having ther same issue. I am runnign windows 10, and up to date on DF (Pro 10.1.2(beta 3)). I have restarted both Explorer, and DF.
Its only happening on the non-primary monitor and for all applications.
• Attachment [protected]: [156,479 bytes]
Oct 9, 2023 (modified Oct 9, 2023)  • #22
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
It looks like your debug info errored out, could you send it over again? Here are the steps:

  • Open the Settings > Troubleshooting tab
  • Click the "Export Info to File" button
  • Reply with the file attached
Oct 10, 2023  • #23
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John Blanchard
4 discussion posts
Here it is again. I don't actually see anything in the display fusion settings window when I do this as far as log information. I hit refresh and it's still just a large blank white square above the few options. I do have it set to limited.
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusionDebugInfo [324,040 bytes]
Oct 12, 2023  • #24
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Yeah strange, it errored out again. Do you have any other third party taskbar apps installed, like Start11?
Oct 13, 2023  • #25
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John Blanchard
4 discussion posts
Not to my knowledge, I'm still running Windows 10. And I have multi monitor taskbar turned off for that. Also for some reason currently as I'm typing this, the issue is not occurring. All I've done is shut down my PC at the end of the night and reboot it this morning. But I've rebooted before only for the same issue to occur immediately.
Oct 13, 2023  • #26
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
If you open the DisplayFusion Advanced Settings and turn on "Enable prompt to restart explorer when issue detected", do you get a prompt the next time the issue happens?
Oct 16, 2023  • #27
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