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Matt Turley
14 discussion posts
Windows 10, DisplayFusion Pro 9.9
Multimonitor (4 monitors)
This has been an annoyance for as long as I can remember. Is anybody else experiencing this and is there a way around it?
After I log back in from the screen saver, my windows have randomly moved away from their previous screens. Normally they move to screen 2 from screen 1 (set as primary). This is typically Chrome or Edge windows, but it can be other applications. It probably just seems to happen more with browser windows because that is what I have the most of.
It isn't every time and it isn't all windows. I cannot figure out any pattern to why some windows move and others don't. These are not usually maximized windows.
If there is no way to prevent this, is there a quicker way to move everything at once from one window to another? Now the only way I can do it is to drag each window individually back to primary. If I "move window to next monitor" if they are on screen 2 I would have to cycle through screen 3, 4, and then to 1 so that doesn't save any time.
Mar 27, 2023 (modified Mar 27, 2023)  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Hi Matt,

This guide here should fix that up for you, please note you'll need your computer to lock on screen saver:

Hope that helps!
Mar 27, 2023  • #2
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Matt Turley
14 discussion posts
This guide here should fix that up for you, please note you'll need your computer to lock on screen saver:

Wow! This is great. Just set it up.

Found a small typo:
Click "Add" again, this time clicking "Run Function" and selecting "Restore Window Positions From Last Scene." Click "OK."

(should be "Last Save" not "Last Scene")
Mar 29, 2023  • #3
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for letting us know, we'll get that fixed up
Mar 29, 2023  • #4
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Matt Turley
14 discussion posts
This helps, but isn't working every time. The only step I see where you can tweak things is this: "Click "Add," then click "Wait," entering "5000" in the text field. Click "OK." If the 5000 ms wait is working well, you can try reducing that to speed up the restore time."

Will adjusting that upward help? Or anything else I can try to get better results?
Apr 1, 2023  • #5
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Is it not firing at all, or is it moving the windows to the wrong locations?
Apr 3, 2023  • #6
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Matt Turley
14 discussion posts
Is it not firing at all, or is it moving the windows to the wrong locations?

It just randomly is back to previous behavior, which is typically leaving stuff that should be on Window 1 (Primary) on Window 2. But it is also leaving some stuff on Window 2 that should be on Window 4. Not sure why it likes to move stuff to Window 2 so much.
Apr 10, 2023 (modified Apr 10, 2023)  • #7
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
In the DisplayFusion Settings > Functions, can you set a key combination for "Restore Window Positions From Last Save", and manually fire it after your windows are moved, and see if it moves them back correctly?
Apr 10, 2023  • #8
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Matt Turley
14 discussion posts
Looks like upgrading to v10 lost all these customizations. I've set them up again including the key combination and will report back.
May 27, 2023 (modified May 27, 2023)  • #9
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Matt Turley
14 discussion posts
This continued to restore the wrong locations for me after following the guide. So I made a couple of tweaks that seem to help.

I added an additional "System Idle" "Save Windows Positions" function at a smaller random interval, since the one for a minute before lock/sleep didn't always work.

I added a "Save Windows Position" at event "Desktop Locked"

Nov 26, 2023  • #10
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