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Ciaron Monaghan34201
12 discussion posts

Currently you can only get wallpaers form 1 subreddit at a time could you add support for grabbing wallpapers form multiple subreddits on the same monitor or have it garb wallpapers from all subscribed subreddits

Aug 22, 2019  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
The Reddit API doesn't currently support merging subreddits in searches, so it's not possible at the moment. We are keeping this feature request open though, so that if they add it in the future, we can update DisplayFusion to support it.

Aug 22, 2019  • #2
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Ciaron Monaghan34201
12 discussion posts
ok. i know the program Reddit Wallpaper Changer ( supports mulitple subreddits as i am using that as a workaround at the moment but i don't know how it is going about doing it. i will look into the logs and see if it can be any help
Aug 22, 2019 (modified Aug 22, 2019)  • #3
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Ciaron Monaghan34201
12 discussion posts
it looks like Reddit Wallpaper Changer chooses a subreddit from the list you have and then searches it. could that work in Display Fusion?
Aug 22, 2019 (modified Aug 22, 2019)  • #4
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ah yep, that's an interesting idea! I'll put that in the notes for the feature request list.

Aug 22, 2019  • #5
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Ciaron Monaghan34201
12 discussion posts
Thanks! :)
Aug 22, 2019  • #6
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