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Jaden Nylander
3 discussion posts
i purchased an hdmi dummy plug for streaming to my steam deck with moonlight. ive got display fusion, is there a way i can set it to mute audio when the dummy plug is being used?
Jan 14, 2024  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
You're wanting DisplayFusion to mute the system audio if the dummy plug display is enabled? If so, you could maybe do this:

  • When the dummy plug is enabled, open the DisplayFusion Monitor Configuration window and save the config as a Monitor Profile.
  • Create a scripted function on the Settings > Functions tab that runs this:
  • Create a Trigger rule that uses the "Monitor Profile Changed" event and select the profile you saved as the condition. Add the scripted function you created as an action in the Trigger rule.

Not 100% sure if that will be reliable as I don't have a dummy plug to test with here, so your mileage may vary :)
Jan 16, 2024 (modified Jan 16, 2024)  • #2
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