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5 discussion posts
I'm sure this quetion has been asked before, but I can't search and I don;t see it in the last few pages of questions so I have to ask it again.

I have 4 Monitors, all are 1080 (FHD) except for the primary which is 1440 (QHD).
When I move windows from my primary to any of the other monitors the size and position changes in a disconcerting way. I can change the scaling on the QHD to 125% which minimises the issues a little but I'd prefer setting it to 133.33% which would solve it but Win10 can only scale in 25% increments.

I'm hoping DisplayFusion can do more? But I havn't found it yet.
Nov 24, 2023  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
DisplayFusion uses the Windows API to set the scaling value, so this isn't something we support unfortunately.

Nov 24, 2023  • #2
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5 discussion posts
OK thanks for the answer. I guess my next option is to maybe try a 49" super-wide.

My only concern with that is how it handles games that run at 16:9.

My gaming is NOT fast-paced FPS shooters. And most games I play are helped by having other references (websites, text-documents, maps/diagrams/images) open in other windows on my side monitors while I'm playing the game on the central (Primary) monitor.

My question is, can I do this using DisplayFusions Virtual Monitors on a 49" Super-wide?

As far as I can tell, all my most played games can either be played in a borderless window, or I can move the window (Using AHK or DisplayFusion) so the Titlebar is hidden. I'm not concerned about the bottom and side borders.

I'd most like to hear from anyone who can confirm that they do exactly this: Game in 16:9 window in centre of monitor with either a Texteditor, Discord, Browser, Image Viewer, etc open on either/both sides.

As additional info, a list of the types of games I mostly play as examples:

Cyberpunk (But mostly slow stealth, NOT fast gunplay)
Subnautica 1+2
X4: Foundations
Dishonored 1+2
Everspace 2
Hardspace: Shipbreaker
Nov 24, 2023  • #3
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Yeah it should work if the game is running in windowed mode, although some games can be difficult to deal with if they force themselves to the full bounds. If you run into any issues with specific games let us know and we'll see if there's anything we can do to work around it.
Nov 27, 2023  • #4
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