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The DisplayFusion My Videos wallpaper source will let you use your video files or animated images as your desktop wallpaper.
To use the My Videos wallpaper source, you will need to have Windows 8 or later installed on your computer, a working version of DirectX 9, and the correct video codecs to view your media files.
Windows Animation settings might be interfering with video playback. Make sure animations are enabled in Windows by doing the following:
  • Click on the Start button.
  • Search for "Control Panel" and click on it.
  • Click on "Ease of Access Center" (You may need to click "Ease of Access" first when in Category view).
  • Under "Explore all settings," click "Make the computer easier to see."
  • Disable the "Turn off all unnecessary animations (when possible)" option.
  • Click "Apply," then "OK."
Codecs are programs that are installed on your computer that help encode and decode video files. Windows comes with basic ones that let you view common file formats, such as DivX encoded files (usually .avi), or Windows Media Video files (.wmv).
To view other file formats, you may need to install a codec pack to help DisplayFusion make sense of your media. There are many packs to chose from, but if you are new to the concept of codecs, we recommend this light weight package.
Check that you've installed the correct codec versions for your system (i.e. 64-bit version of codecs for 64-bit Windows).
To learn more about codecs, please view this site.
All versions of Windows 7 and later have a working copy of DirectX that will be compatible with the My Videos wallpaper source, but sometimes different software installations can change files or even corrupt them.
To check your DirectX installation, run the dxdialog to see the status of your installation. To run the dialog, open the Run window by pressing Win + R and type '
' in the text field.
  • Click "OK." This will run the DirectX Diagnostic Tool.
    Run dxdialog
  • Click on each tab or use the "Next Page" button to view each page's details and notes which may reveal problems.
    Diagnostic Tool
If you have any DirectX problems, we recommend downloading this distributable pack to fix your installation.
Videos in My Videos Wallpaper Source are muted by default. To unmute them, do the following:
  • Right-click the DisplayFusion tray icon and click "Desktop Wallpaper." You can also access this via the Options tab in Settings.
    Desktop Wallpaper Menu
  • Click on "Wallpaper Settings."
    Wallpaper Settings
  • Click "Mute all audio for the video wallpaper source (Windows 7 and higher)"
Jan 13, 2015 (modified Aug 15, 2022)  • #1
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10 discussion posts
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I followed each step
• Attachment [protected]: 2.png [5,997 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: 3.png [2,160 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: 4.png [38,933 bytes]
Aug 14, 2021  • #2
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