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17 discussion posts
I've posted about this a while back and I thought it was fixed, but it still seems to happen a lot of the time (just not 100% of the time anymore)

So I have an app that has two processes, a Desktop version of the app, and a Fullscreen version of the app made for use on TV. They are considered two seperate processes that I can switch between, so the desktop app has a button for "Switch to fullscreen mode" where it closes the desktop version and then starts up the fullscreen version. And vice versa.

My goal is to automatically switch Monitor Profile when these apps are used. So while in Desktop mode I only have my desktop monitor activated. Then when the fullscreen app launches, I want it to switch to my TV monitor profile, where my TV activates as the new primary monitor. Then when I switch back to the Desktop version of the app, I want DisplayFusion to switch back to the monitor profile that only has my desktop monitor on.

So I have triggers set up that way (screenshots of the two triggers in the attachments) but something isn't working. About 1/3rds of the time when I launch the Fullscreen app, it briefly switches to the other monitor profile like I want... but then it immediately switches back to just my Desktop monitor again. It's almost as if it immediately triggers the other trigger that switches back to Desktop mode, but that shouldn't happen because that's set to trigger ONLY when the fullscreen app process ends, yet that still launches. I also tried setting a delay, even up to 2000ms, but it still switches back to Desktop-mode when I don't want it to. Am I doing something wrong with the triggers?
• Attachment [protected]: trigger1.png [39,332 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: trigger2.png [38,268 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: troubleshoot.txt [172,325 bytes]
Apr 28, 2023  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
If you disable that "Processes Ended" trigger, does this issue still happen?
May 1, 2023  • #2
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17 discussion posts
If you disable that "Processes Ended" trigger, does this issue still happen?

I think so, yeah. Since it doesn't always happen I tried to test it a few times, but so far it works fine while that Process Ended trigger is disabled. I do still really hope to be able to use the process ended trigger, though.
May 2, 2023  • #3
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Interesting, it might have something to do with the way that app is handling the switching. If you set the delay to 10,000ms, and re-enable the "Process Ended" trigger, does that work?
May 3, 2023  • #4
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17 discussion posts
Interesting, it might have something to do with the way that app is handling the switching. If you set the delay to 10,000ms, and re-enable the "Process Ended" trigger, does that work?

Yes, the issue still occurs when the Proccess Ended trigger is set with a 10,000 ms delay. Interestingly enough, it happened faster than 10 seconds, and it happened when the app was open and fully running.
The application does have some bootup time, where I'm first met with a loading screen before it starts up for real, so perhaps that's important.

EDIT: I tested a few more times, and the switch back to the Desktop monitor profile seems to be more consistant, but also with a significant delay. So it will switch to TV-monitor profile while the app is starting, the app will finish starting up, and then it suddenly switches back to Desktop-monitor profile.

I considered that perhaps the trigger is only checking for the Process of when the app is booting up and not the process of the app running, but according to DisplayFusion, both share the exact same Process.
May 4, 2023 (modified May 4, 2023)  • #5
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17 discussion posts
I think I found the solution by giving the Process Created a delay of 2500 ms. I tested it a few times and seems to work so far, where it only checks for the application process once it's FULLY booted, not just the startup screen.
May 4, 2023  • #6
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Ah interesting, glad to hear you got it sorted out!
May 5, 2023  • #7
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