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I don't know if anyone cares, but the latest beta versions v6 beta 1 and 2, don't let Stardock's Object Dock work with it's effects. I stopped DF and Object Dock worked. Downloaded 5.1.1, installed that, and it works, but, of course, window snapping is broken with that version and has been for a while. I THINK the betas fixed window snapping, but broke my Object Dock zoom effect. I'm sticking with Object Dock working and window snapping not!!!
Feb 4, 2014  • #1
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Oops, even 5.1.1 does not let Object Dock effects work, so now I'll uninstall Display Fusion I guess, I'm hooked on Object Dock and it doesn't work with Display fusion running and it works without Display Fusion running. There is not a new version of Object Dock as far as I'm aware, either a new one that broke this or a newer one that might fix it.

Maybe there's some DF setting that would let this work? If anyone has any ideas, I'm all ears.
Feb 5, 2014  • #2
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121 discussion posts
I run 3 Objectdocks (v 2.1), each with 15 zooming icons (half are Stand Alone Stacks), with Display Fusion 6 beta 2, three monitors & spanned wallpaper, on Windows 7 x64 w/ 32 gb ram.

I have absolutely no issues. Both installations are rock solid and function as designed. I also run Classic Start Menu with custom start buttons, no issues.

My thought is that you have something else interfering, perhaps a security program or a bad DF or OD install? Personally, I don't think it's a DF compatibility problem....

My 2 cents, regards;

Feb 5, 2014 (modified Feb 5, 2014)  • #3
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That's what I'd think, too. However, shutting down Display Fusion, my Object Dock zoom effect works, run Display Fusion, Object Dock Zooming and even clicking to run doesn't work.

I'm open to what else it might be. I've run Display Version paid for years. I have Norton Internet Security but have had that for years.

I noticed recently that Object Dock would lock up like this and thought, on a whim, that it might be a display issue so I quit DF and presto OD worked. Installed both v6 betas and went back to 5.1.1 with the same result. I'll maybe try to reinstall DF now that I've uninstalled it and had it remove all traces and used iOBit Uninstaller to remove more of it.
Feb 5, 2014  • #4
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10 to 1 it's Norton. I used Norton a few years ago and it screwed with EVERYTHING.

It was absolutely the most pervasive and invasive nanny program ever. I had to do a clean reinstall to get rid of all traces of it.

I'm now using MSE, SAS (paid), and MBAM (paid).

I suggest you try disabling Norton (if it will let you), and see if everything else works.

Also, maybe backup your OD settings, uninstall & reinstall that AFTER installing DF??

I'm sure Keith will weigh in this AM.

Good luck & regards;

Feb 5, 2014 (modified Feb 5, 2014)  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@Thosj: Do you have any of the options in the DisplayFusion Settings > Window Management > Mouse Management section enabled? If so, could you try disabling to see if that helps?
Feb 5, 2014  • #6
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I ain't buyin' the Norton thing. That was a while ago when Norton was a resource hog and general PITA, no longer.'s run with Norton for 6 or 8 months and worked fine. I suppose Norton could have updated itself and somehow hosed this, but I'm not sure, and uninstalling, or simply exiting, DF, made Object Dock work fine.


I have DF uninstalled at the moment. I did NOT intentionally enable any of the things you mentioned, but perhaps with this beta thing and stuff, something got enabled. I will install 5.1.1 anew and see what happens, For the moment Object Dock is working just fine with DF gone and has been for 24 hours now. I'll be back.
Feb 5, 2014 (modified Feb 5, 2014)  • #7
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Finally got 'round to reinstalling 5.1.1 and so far, so good, Object Dock is still displaying my zoom effect and working.


I DO NOT have anything selected in Window Management > Mouse Management, but I MAY HAVE previously, before installing and when having my issue.

I'll see what happens. Object Dock has worked fine since uninstalling DF 3 days ago. But before, it would work for a while then suddenly I'd notice the zoom effect and clicking Object Dock icons didn't work even though right clicking on a dock icon got me the context menu box. Strange indeed, so hoping all is well.
Feb 8, 2014  • #8
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, sounds good. If 5.1.1 is still good after a while, could you try updating to the latest 6.0 beta again and check to see if it breaks again?

Feb 10, 2014  • #9
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Will do, Keith. It's still OK, so I'll give it a couple more days and try updating to v6 beta again. In my mind, that's when it broke previously!!
Feb 10, 2014  • #10
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I updated to the latest beta and it's been OK for 24 hours, so maybe all's well. Last time I went thru two betas and it went haywire after the first one if I recall. So I'm not sure we learned anything, but all seems well now. If I have further issues I'll report back here at that time!!

Feb 16, 2014  • #11
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Sounds good, thanks for the update!
Feb 18, 2014  • #12
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