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8 discussion posts

I'm looking for the best method to manage 3 configurations (laptop only, home and work where for each I've another monitor), assuming that each configuration is a bit different than the others.
I've tried saving windows positions every 30 seconds, and determing the app windows sizes and locations for each profile, but in some cases windows are resumed and in some cases they are created so it seems like a big task to create separate trigger for each app for each configuration.
Am I missing some other method that will allow me to easily manage 3 configurations?

Apr 3, 2024  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on

I'm not too sure what you're looking to do. Are you trying to move windows around based on which setup you have loaded?
Apr 3, 2024  • #2
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8 discussion posts
Excatly, so if I'm working only with my laptop I would like Spotify to be full-screen, and if I'm working from my office, I would like it to be in monitor #1 with specific window size, and so on.
Apr 4, 2024  • #3
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
You can create 3 Window Positon Profiles, one for each setup, and then add a hotkey to each to load it.

When you add your app into the profile, you can position it where you would like, and drag the sizing crosshair overtop of the window to automatically grab it's position and size. You shouldn't need to create any triggers :)
Apr 4, 2024  • #4
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8 discussion posts
Thanks for the suggestion!
If I wanted to automated the process, would it be good advise to create a timer-based trigger to automatically save windows positions and another one to restore the relevant monitor profile based on monitor profile change?
Or is there another advise that I can automate this?
Apr 7, 2024  • #5
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
We have Save/Restore position functions that can be automated through a timer trigger, but these will not persist through reboots. If you want to use them, this guide does something similar, except you can use regular timer intervals instead of the desktop unlocked event:

The Window Position Profiles will be saved through reboots, but they must be saved manually. You can add the "Load Window Position Profile" function into a trigger if you would like.

Apr 8, 2024  • #6
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