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1 discussion post
I'm dealing woth a stuio DAW (Digital Audio Work Station) that doesn't remeber screen settings/positions... However with this great app I'm at least able to have the app open to a prefered monitior so Thanks!!! Here's where I'm stuck and any advice would help... There's a keyboard shortcut that will allow me to open up a mixer window inside the app (ctrl + shift + alt + M)
Is there a way to have it open via DisplayFusion and have it also move to a particulat window? Any and all help would be greatly appreciated... Thanks in advance!!!
Jan 17, 2024  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
If it's opening as a child window from that app, there probably isn't a way to launch it via DisplayFusion.

When it is launched with that hotkey though, you could create a trigger to move it when the window opens. We have a guide on creating triggers here:

You can use the "Window Created" event. You'll probably need to use the "Window Text" match condition, and then you can add in an action to move the window to the monitor you would like.

Hope that helps!
Jan 17, 2024  • #2
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