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3 discussion posts
I have DisplayFusion set up to maximise all program windows to 100% on their respective monitors. However, I do not want this to apply to the Notepad.exe application.

I've added compatibility exceptions for Notepad.exe which work fine if I were to open the Notepad app itself, but if I have a file on my desktop callled "New Text Document.txt" for example, the rules don't seem to apply.

I it's something I'm not doing, but sadly I don't know what. Please help!!
Do the researching twice, and the speaking once!!
-- @SnickoPen
• Attachment: Notepad compatibility settings.jpg [79,876 bytes]
Notepad compatibility settings.jpg
Notepad compatibility settings.jpg
Apr 5, 2023  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Do you have a trigger setup to maximize windows? If so, could you send over a screenshot of it?
Apr 5, 2023  • #2
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3 discussion posts
Do you have a trigger setup to maximize windows? If so, could you send over a screenshot of it?

Hi, yes I do. I have tried to accomplish the task another way (with Window Position Profiles), but for some reason I could only get it to work by adding each and every application window (parent + child) and manually setting window position and desired size (this amounted to many tens). So I gave up on that idea.

I've attached numerous screenshots that will hopefully help explain what I mean.

I appreciate the help.
Do the researching twice, and the speaking once!!
-- @SnickoPen
• Attachment: DisplayFusion 'Window Position Profiles' setup.jpg [85,046 bytes]
DisplayFusion 'Window Position Profiles' setup.jpg
DisplayFusion 'Window Position Profiles' setup.jpg
DisplayFusion 'Window Position Profiles' workings (1).jpg
DisplayFusion 'Window Position Profiles' workings (1).jpg
• Attachment: DisplayFusion trigger (1).jpg [77,263 bytes]
DisplayFusion trigger (1).jpg
DisplayFusion trigger (1).jpg
• Attachment: DisplayFusion trigger (2).jpg [79,026 bytes]
DisplayFusion trigger (2).jpg
DisplayFusion trigger (2).jpg
• Attachment: DisplayFusion trigger setup.jpg [96,795 bytes]
DisplayFusion trigger setup.jpg
DisplayFusion trigger setup.jpg
Apr 6, 2023  • #3
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Give this trigger a shot:
• Attachment: Notepad Exception.png [41,207 bytes]
Notepad Exception.png
Notepad Exception.png
Apr 6, 2023  • #4
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3 discussion posts
Give this trigger a shot:

That's fantastic. Changed my settings as per your example and voila.

THANK YOU for all your help, and the speed at which you did it!

Have a great day :)!
Do the researching twice, and the speaking once!!
-- @SnickoPen
Apr 7, 2023  • #5
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