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Doron Gold
1 discussion post

I use Slack on my secondary monitor. I use the native windows 7 Slack application.
Whenever I get a Slack message, the notification balloon pops up on the first monitor, despite the fact that the Slack window resides on the second monitor. More precisely, it's minimized on the taskbar of the second monitor.

Because while I work, I look most of the time only on my secondary monitor, I usually miss all Slack notifications.

Is there a way to configure dispalyFusion to popup taskbar notification balloons on the same monitor where the application originating those notifications resides?
Alternatively, is there a way to tell displayFusion to popup ALL taskbar notifications on the secondary monitor?
Jan 31, 2016  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
I've looked into this and unfortunately the Slack notifications don't generate a new window notification, so DisplayFusion doesn't even know they're opening :(

Feb 1, 2016  • #2
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